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About a week later, Chloe and Lucifer were finally about to take their son home. They stepped out of the elevator and into the penthouse. Lucifer was carrying Lucas in the baby carrier.

When they got off the elevator, Trixie and Dan were waiting for them with huge smiles. Trixie immediately went over to them. She made sure to keep her voice down, which was quite the feat because she was very excited. "You guys are finally home."

"Hey, Monkey. Yeah, and we're really happy," Chloe said as she hugged her daughter.

"Dan walked over. "Hey, guys. Welcome home."

"Thanks, Dan. Thanks for bringing Trixie home," Chloe said.

"Of course. I knew you'd want to spend time as a family. You haven't really had the chance since the baby was born.. Well, I'm going to get out of your hair now. Trixie, I'll see you in a few days, okay?" Dan asked his daughter.

"Okay. Bye Daddy," Trixie said before briefly hugging her father. Once he left, she turned to her mom and Lucifer. "Can I hold Lucas now. Lucifer said I could when you got home."

"Yes, I believe I did. Well, I don't break promises, do I?" Lucifer asked.

Trixie shook her head and grinned.

"Very well. Go sit on the couch," he instructed.

Trixie ran over and took her seat on the couch.

Lucifer walked over with Chloe and put the carrier on the table. He then gently took his son out. The boy made a few noises, but otherwise seemed content.

"You remember how to hold a baby, right, Monkey?" Chloe asked.

Trixie nodded.

Lucifer walked over and gently laid his son in the young girl's arms. He maneuvered Trixie's hands so that she was supporting Lucas' head before letting go.

Chloe sat down next to her children and took ahold of her son's hand. "Hey, Lucas. You remember you sister, Trixie."

Trixie smiled down at her little brother. "Hi, Lucas. I'm glad you finally got to come home. You're probably glad too. It's can't be fun staying in the hospital."

"Well, he's home now, baby, and he won't be going anywhere," Chloe said with a smile. They were all finally safe. True, she thought that before, but now that God had personally taken care of the problem, she was much more certain about it. Things would be okay.


Lucifer sat on the couch thinking. His conversation with his father was still throwing him for a loop. He'd spent nearly an eternity hating his father because he believed his father hated him, that he'd given up on him. In reality, it was the opposite. It was his father's claim that he sent him away because he loved him and wanted him to reach the future that he had today. Coming to terms with that was not easy for Lucifer.

Soon, Chloe came into the room holding the baby monitor. She sat down next to Lucifer and put the baby monitor on the table. "Hey. Lucas is sleeping and Trixie's doing her homework."

Lucifer only nodded, barely paying attention.

Chloe took his hand. "Will you talk to me? You've been off since you spoke to your dad. Did he ask something of you?"

Lucifer shook his head. "Not really, which surprised me. The closest he came to it was asking me to think about letting him into our lives and possibly returning to Heaven someday."

That surprised Chloe, especially the last part. Lucifer had always told her he wasn't allowed to return to Heaven, that he was banned permanently. Of course, there was always the possibility he changed his mind. Parents made mistakes, and when their anger calmed, they realized that. It was possible that God was no exception. The being Chloe met certainly appeared to love his son. "Is that what has you so messed up right now? Your father revoking his punishment for you?"

"No, though it is still shocking. It's that it was apparently never a punishment to begin with," Lucifer said before filling her in regarding his talk with his father.

Chloe was shell shocked as she listened to Lucifer. In fact, she didn't know what was more shocking. The fact that she was apparently literally created from God's will, which Lucifer had never told her, or that God had created her because he'd seen that she and Lucifer would love each other and create a child. "Oh, wow! Why didn't you tell me about your father creating me?"

"Well, when I first found out, you wouldn't have believed me. You still thought most of what I said were metaphors. When you did finally learn the truth, there was so much going on at once. I honestly didn't think to," Lucifer said. He hoped she understood that it wasn't that he was trying to keep it from her to inhibit her choices. He would never do that. Things had just happened one after another since she saw his Devil face. He'd honestly stopped thinking about it until his father showed up.

Chloe nodded. She could understand that. There was a lot that was thrown at them at once. "When did you find out?"

"Right before you were poisoned a couple of years ago," Lucifer told her.

Chloe gasped as realization hit her. "That's why you went to Vegas."

Lucifer nodded.

"It…It felt like one big manipulation by my father to keep me in line," Lucifer said.

Chloe squeezed his hand. She couldn't imagine what that was like for him. She knew how much Lucifer hated manipulation and his choices being taken away. "Right before I ended up in the hospital, you asked if what we had was real. You seemed genuinely surprised that I could have feelings for you. When you found out about your dad, you thought it wasn't real, didn't you?"

Lucifer nodded. "I thought neither of us had a choice in how we felt, and I hated that."

"Lucifer, of course we had a choice. Divine interventions or not, I know how I felt about you then and now. Our feelings are ours," Chloe said firmly.

"Yes, I realize that now. My father assured me of that, but I thought that everything my father did was a manipulation, and I wasn't completely wrong. He did everything for his own goals, though I admit now that they weren't so selfish. Anyway, by that time, it stopped mattering that much anyway. I loved you too much to care why I felt that way any longer," Lucifer told her.

Chloe smiled. "I love you too. Your father could've saved you a lot of heartache by telling you all this before he even sent you to Hell." She could understand a parent doing everything in his power to secure his son's happiness, but letting him feel like he was unloved and manipulated wasn't the way to do it.

"Yes, I said the same at first, but my father made an excellent point. I wouldn't have been able to understand at the time that the life I have now was something I'd ever want. I've thought about it quite a bit in the last week. If he'd told me all that and sent me to Hell, there's a very good chance that I would've stayed as far away from you as possible. I probably wouldn't have even left Hell," Lucifer said. He knew himself well. He would've been so angry about being sent away and manipulated that he would've bolted from what his father's goal for him was. "I never thought I'd defend my father, but I'm glad he did what he did. I can't imagine my life without you."

"Me either. You make a good point. Still, this can't be easy for you to come to terms with," Chloe said. Virtually everything Lucifer knew had been turned around. Even if it was for the better, that was not something to easily accept.

"No, it's not. I don't know how to feel about it. Although, I do know that I don't hate my father anymore. I don't really know how I feel about him now, but I don't hate him. How does hatred just get turned off so easily?" Lucifer wondered.

"It doesn't. You never hated your dad. I think you were very angry at him, but you were never able to actually hate him," Chloe said.

"Perhaps," Lucifer said.

Just then, a cry came from the baby monitor.

"Didn't he just go to sleep," Lucifer asked.

Chloe chuckled. "Welcome to our lives for the next couple of months."

"I'll go get him," Lucifer said before getting up and heading towards his crying son.

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