Chapter One : Quest Gone Wrong

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"Open, gate of the maiden, Virgo!" I shouted, swinging my hand down. In a poof, Virgo appeared, her pink hair and maid dress without a scratch.

"Is it time for punishment princess?" She asked, bowing with her shackled wrists.

"No! I need to take out the front lines!" I shouted, pointing at the gang in front of us.

I watched as she lifted her head up, afterwards digging quickly into the ground beneath us.

Me, Natsu and Erza were on a 100,000 jewel quest. We were requested by the locals to take out a gang that has been stealing and destroying their farmland. Talk about cruel! They apparently had three groups scattered in the field. We all took one.

I watched intently as they all dropped down, one by one, by Virgo's attack. But it wasn't enough. I reached for another key, hoping that I could summon two spirits as I did in the GMG.

"Open, gate of the Lion, Leo!"

Leo quickly appeared, pushing up his glasses.

"Don't worry Lucy, I'll take out anything in our path." he said seductively. My face started burning up.

"Shut up and stop talking like we're a couple!"

I saw a small glimmer in his eyes, before he disappeared and started kicking down the enemy one by one. I reached for my whip and stretched it out, determination written on my eyes.

"I'm not gonna let my spirits do all the work for me!" I said, smiling.

Suddenly, a large pain shot through my stomach, quickly knocking me down. I heard Leo's shout, along with Virgo's, 'are you hurt princess'. I painfully stood up, clenching my belly.

"W-who was t-th...." I started, before being knocked down again, square in the face. I collapsed half-conscious on the ground, whip lifeless, flying helplessly beside me.

To my saviour, I heard Natsu shout, afterwards the sound of scorching flames erupting in the air. I felt armoured hands lift me up, the sweet scent of strawberry cake filling my nostrils. None other than Erza.

They came to rescue me. I felt my heart rise at the thought. Soon, I lost all consciousness, being carried only by Erza.


Thanks for reading guys!
This is my first book, so don't judge :)

Disclaimer : I don't own FairyTail

H I R O M A S H I M A is the owner and sole creator of one of the best anime ever!

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