Chapter Fifteen : Face To Face

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My friends walk out the Official Guilds office, smiles stretched on their faces. I rose from my seat, my anxiety getting the better of me.

"So....have they accepted you?"

"Well....." Freed started, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes! They said our guild is official starting tomorrow!" Milli squealed, her pink and black dress bouncing along with her. I gave Luna a high five, while the guys gave thumbs up and cheeky grins.

"Let's go!" I said, but Conah grabbed my shoulder.

"Hold on Lucy. We need a Guild Master...don't we?"

The others nodded in agreement, looking at me.

"Wait.... You want me to be the guild master?" I exclaimed, pushing my hands onto my chest. I had then realised.

"If I become Master, I can't participate in the games." I watched as they all smirked.

"That's why we put in a special request. You Lucy, can participate in the Games whenever you see fit." Kastile explained, a wide smile planted on his face the whole time. I fist pumped the air, glad I could take part in the games.

We walked outside, the vibrant rays from the sun masking us, forcing me to cover my eyes with my arms shadow. "Really is hot out." Freed said, pulling down his hood.

"Wrong choice of attire?" Milli said, her dress the best choice for this type of weather. Then we all stared at Luna, wearing her tiny shorts and bra top. She turned at us, confused.


"Luna, your clothes are shrinking by the second!" I said, causing everyone to laugh. She playfully slapped me, starting to burst out herself.

We were interrupted when Conah tapped my shoulder. "FairyTail approaching Lucy. Do you want to avoid them?" Everyone turned to me, the guild closing the space between us.

"No. We need to see our challengers ready for the games. Let's go." I said sternly, a certain pink head and his group not noticing us yet.

We all walked forward, after a few seconds, meeting the FairyTail group in front of the fountain. Six of them, six of us.

"L-Lucy?" Natsu stuttered, standing beside Team Natsu. We all stood in a straight line, each of us having a stare down. Me and Natsu, Milli and Erza, Luna and Gajeel, Freed and Wendy, Conah and Gray, then Kastile and Laxus.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked, amazement covering his face. I smirked, finding his amusement funny. "Me and my friends were just entering to be an Official Guild. Guess what? They accepted us!"

Their faces were priceless. "You can do that?!" Erza exclaimed, breaking away from Milli's cold stare.

"Sure we can. But this is for sure, we're gonna dig you Fairies into the dirt!" Luna shouted, starting a fuse. Gajeel stepped forward, shoving his face into Luna. "You wanna try....prawn?"

Luna sent her hand flying across his cheek, knocking Gajeel down in one swift strike. Nonetheless, he jumped back up and slowly charged at Luna. "Prawn's got some energy in her." he said, only to be stopped by Gray, who was struggling to hold him back.

"Save it for the games." he said, Gajeel calming down.

"Lucy. You can't do this!" Wendy shouted, tiny tears forming on her eye lids. I turned kindly to her.

"Don't worry Wendy. Me and my friends have no means to fight with you, or the exceeds. Just these dumb lot." I replied.

"Lucy, look. We are sorry for what we did. Please, let the past go and forgive us!" Gray said, reaching out for me. I shot him a heartless glare, as did everyone else to their opposites, the tension growing larger by the second.

"Let's go guys. We have training to do." I said, leading my group around Fairies, not looking back. As we cleared the corner, the rest of the group caught up with me.

"Lucy, who was that metal-headed one?" Luna asked, anger obviously in her voice.

"Gajeel, iron dragon slayer." I replied calmly.

"Those fairies are jerks!" Conah exclaimed, his fists turning into balls.

"Why were you nice to that little one?" Milli asked as well, eyes full of question.

"She's the only one that wasn't mean or a jerk to me. Only fair I return the favour." I replied to her, looking behind my shoulder.

"I just hope I'll get to beat one up." Freed said above us all.

"We first get ready for the games. Let's go."


Natsu : Who were those people. What were they doing with Luce?

Erza : You heard her Natsu. She's forming her own guild. And was accepted. Nothing we can do.

Gray : Nothing we can do my abs! *strips*

Gajeel : Put on some clothes! Pervy Sage!

Laxus : *Electrocutes everyone except Erza*

Laxus : Will you dim-wits stop talking! The writers creating a new chapter!!

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