Chapter TwentyEight - Spreading The News

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Lucy POV

P.S The multimedia I found this morning, and I was like DAMNNNNN!

"Celestial Origin, we have no way of avoiding this attack, so I ask you, all of you, to lead your own squads to interrogate the dragons as they arrive." the King said, stepping off from his chair.

I turned to look back at the others, who were questioning their abilities. I smirked. If ever, now is the time.

"We would all be glad too, your Majesty." I replied, bowing my head. The others looked at me with disbelief, while all I did was put a cheeky grin on my face.

"T-Thank you, Celestial Origin. Thank you." he said, tears forming on his eyes. "Please your Majesty, call me Lucy."

He nodded, calling over the princess, who was holding a clipboard and pen.

"We thank you for your service Lucy. The top priority now is to get all the locals of Fiore out the arena and into the safe zone. The strongest guilds will be the front line soldiers in the battle."

She pushed the clipboard gently into my chest, her smile sweet.

"We only need your signature of approval Lucy."

I signed, afterwards the princess smirking at me lightly.

"Well, thank you. Better get those people out the arena."

I smirked back, turning to the group, who were still stuck in place. "Come on guys. We still have an entire city to evacuate."

Still dumb struck, they quickly followed me, turning around corners to get to the arena. Till Milli spoke up.

"Lucy! What the Hell?! You want each of us to lead a squad to fight the dragons? Are you OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?!?!"

I turned around and looked her in the eyes, obvious everyone else was thinking the same.

"Guys, this is the only chance we'll get to show how strong we really are."

I directed my gaze at Milli and Conah. "And you two, need to show me your ability. What a better way to do it?!"

I turned and continued to the arena, the crowd acknowledging us as we wondered into the main battle ground.

"People of Fiore! The games have been cancelled. We ask that you leave the Arena immediately, and leave this city. Go far away!"

The crowd muttered loudly, people calling out.

"Why? Why are the Games Cancelled?!"

"Lucy!! Why do we have to leave the city?"


The audience was growing restless, angry crying starting to uproar. Luna gripped my shoulder, worried.

"Lucy! You shouldn't have told them to leave!"

"So I should've just told them to go back to their homes? They need to know the truth, and now."

"Listen. Do you want to know the truth?!" I called out, receiving a loud barrage of yeses and nodding.

"Fiore will be invaded by Dragons."

The crowd crashed into silence, raising their eyebrows. They think I'm joking.

"Fiore will be invaded by dragons, tomorrow. The 22nd of July. If you evacuate now, while the royal army and top guilds stay here to ward them off, no one will be harmed in the battle."

"Come on! That's a bunch of Baloney!!"

"Tell us the truth Lucy!!"

I looked at the others, they gave us no option. Milli stood still behind me, while the others gathered their magic energy and stood in a circle, each person directed at a section of the audience. They all watched in surprise as each one of them had their magic loaded to destroy the crowd.

"What's going on?!"

"Are they going to fire at us mummy?"

"Are Celestial Origin threatening to kill us?!"

I shook my head, ashamed. "Listen well. If you, the audience, refuse to evacuate right now, I will be forced to set my guild members loose, and blast every last one of you, including elderly and infants. It would save us the trouble of getting you out here, in the first place."

A man at the front stood up, anger in his eyes.

"Your bluffing! You wouldn't kill any of us!"

"Really? Freed!"

Everyone watched in amazement and horror as a large ball of white light flew straight towards the man, smothering him, leaving nothing left.

"Anyone else?"

I watched in relief as the audience stood up and walked out the exits silently.

"Follow the directions given to you by the national guards. Get out quickly."

I nodded at Luna, who touched her forehead. Suddenly, the man who Freed just destroyed appeared before us, looking around, sweat dripping down his forehead. I knelt beside him, resting an hand on his shoulder.

"No worries. Just evacuate."

He stood up before running away with the other locals, waking out the arena. When the arena was was completely empty, the guilds walked down to confront us.

"What's the meaning of this?" Kagura asked, holding her Archenemy grip tightly.

"Calm, Kagura. The dragons are coming to Fiore, so we need to get them off the site." I replied, watching closely as she loosened her grip.

"So, we are going to war, with dragons?" Gray asked, pulling his hands out his pockets.

"And Celestial Origin are the Squad Leaders." Kastile exclaimed.

They all gawped.

"You guys?!" Sting jumped in, almost about to burst into laughter. Milli angrily pushed him, standing in front of me protectively.

"We're stronger than everyone else here combined!" She exclaimed at him, a deep scowl on her face. Sting was going to shove her out the way, till the other members of my guild got in front of her, Freed holding a white ball close to his face while the others formed a protective line around me.

"Back off Dragon Slayer!" Freed spat, his face covered in seriousness. Sting backed up. Even he knew he didn't stand a chance.

"We don't have time for this!" I shouted, attention directed at me instantly.

"We need to get ready. You will be informed at midnight."

With that, I guided my group out the arena to our inn, while the others did the same.

We seriously need to work on our teamwork if we are going defeat the dragons......

L-A-S-E-R- - - - - - - - - - - -G-U-N •--(@-@)

I'll make the next chapter now BECUZ I'm bored. More fun 4 you guys!

If you can, comment and vote on my new book Sword art Advanced!

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