Chapter Ten : Returning To Fiore

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I pulled on my new clothes, (A/N Multimedia Guys), and wrapped my entire body with a black cloak, pulling the hood over my head. I felt a steady hand on my shoulder. I turned around, only to find Zeref smiling.

By instinct, I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a warm hug. I felt his surprise, he soon, though, hugged me back. "Thank you so much Zeref! For everything."

"No worries Lucy. Least I could do."

"I do have some questions though."

We broke from our hug, Zeref open.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears."

"Why did you help me?"

"Was I not supposed too?"

"No. It's just, you know, your the Black Mage. Most evil wizard of all time. I wasn't expecting you of all people to help. Most of all show up!"

"I just, was bored of having people run away or shiver at my name. At least one person that knew who I was really. True, everything I did was evil and heartless, I just grew tired of it all."

I nodded at his explanation. I gave him one last hug, my cheeks rosy. "Again, thank you Zeref."

"Promise me one thing Lucy. You will not tell anyone about our encounter. "

I nodded, a large smile on my face. As he backed up, I drew an invisible circle with my finger.

"Open, Gate of The Twin Dimension, Fiore!"

A green portal appeared, its swirling motion slow and peaceful. I turned back to Zeref, who was nodding kindly. "Come back and train anytime."

With that said, I sent one last wave, before stepping into the portal, checking if my hood was up. As I landed, I felt the hard concrete. I pushed my whole body through, finding the place the last portal found me, Fiore.

It feels great to be back home!

My mind then clicked.

First of all though, show how much I've improved in just 11 months.

~TimeSkip 30 minutes~

I stood in front of the guild doors, the loud clatter and shouting heard.

FairyTail, loud as ever.

I walked in, cloak concealing my body and face. Few seconds after entering, all eyes were on me. They all followed my movements, as I sat down in my usual spot by the bar. Mirajane walked up to me, a smile stretched kindly on her face.

"How can I help you?" she asked, drying a small shot glass.

"Id like..." I started, pulling down my hood. "a strawberry milkshake please." I said kindly. I enjoyed everyone's surprise. Mira backed up, I guess she felt my increased magic energy. I felt a hand land on my shoulder. Natsu.

"Lucy. Where have you been?"

"Around. How's life treating you...Salamander?"

I watched him cringe at the name.

"Fine actually. But, seem different."

I hadn't noticed, but I did seem different. My blonde hair was darker in shade, and reached the base of my back. My fringe managed to cover one eye completely, plus I seemed taller and intimidating.

"Salmander, I challenge you to a battle, outside, right now." I exclaimed, the guild surprise levels on overdrive.

"W-what?" He said, his nervousness getting the better of him. He can feel my magic strength.

"Too afraid, Salamander? You say your strong, so taking me down should be as easy as snapping a toothpick."

I watched as his fear turned into determination.

"Fine, challenge accepted. Your on Lucy."


Cana : Did you hear guys? Lucy challenged Natsu to a fight.

Elfman : I could feel her magic energy grow from cross the room. she grown into quite the MAN!

Erza : We can only wait for the next chapter guys. Since the writers off, she asked me to do the disclaimer.

Cana & Elfman & Erza : FairyTailGlitter doesn't own FairyTail

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now