TwentyFour : Round The Track!

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Freed's POV

The sudden noise of the gun went off, sounding the start of the game. All the players dashed as fast as they could, including me, to the first point. As said, a huge slimy monster appeared, its roar loud. Still running, I slid underneath its legs, missing its sharp claws. As I passed it, I turned my body to face its behind, using my feet to skid to a harsh stop.

"Forbidden Art : Gods Heaven Sword!"

A white glowing blade appeared from the sky, dropping from the heavens through the monster, its gurgling last breaths ending quickly. As it dropped dead and disappeared, I started running again, finding myself in the lead.

"Celestial Origins Freed is soaring ahead! Will they come in first again?!"

Again, another monster appeared, its long, sharp tentacles waving freely beside it. I knew it was a dark monster. " Forbidden Art : Golden Fate!"

My hands were engulfed in a golden glow, the power rising. Still not faltering to stop, I dashed at the monster, before jumping and punching it square on the face, destroying it with one blow. I landed, not looking back, but still running forward.

Before I knew it, I was running in the second lap.

"Contestants, two minutes has passed. The lanes are now three meters long. Better get a move on!"

The crowd cheered loudly as I entered the second lap, everyone else still halfway through the first. As I entered the lap, I felt the ground shake. Seems I have some heavier work to lift.

Horns, axe and a fiery temper. Minotaur. I'll give them an A for originality. I jumped at it, swinging sideways on its neck, landing on its back. Without giving it a chance to grab me, I did a back flip, grabbing his axe with me. Before it could turn, I cleanly sliced its head off with the beasts own weapon, the rest of the body disappearing.

"Freed took out the Minotaur, with pure strength, without using his magic!"

As I ran on, the axe disappeared from my hands, leaving my palms bear.

I was hoping to keep the axe. Would've came in handy.

I threw and cut every monster I can across, each one more powerful than the last, but it's weaknesses more obvious. Before I knew it, I was on the last point, the lanes now two meters wide.

"I hope you guys are nearly done, because you only have two minutes left!"

I heard the audiences loud cries, the adrenaline pumping. Suddenly, I got a monster I hoped I would never. A thousand times smaller, but still as deadly. Mini Acnologia.

"Everyone! Freed has got the King of Monsters, Mini Acnologia!"

Fools. It has the dragons face, but it's weaknesses are the same.

"Forbidden Art : Demons Calling"

A large white magic circle appeared at the monsters feet, the glow blinding. I could feel the magic rising to its breaking point. It was time.


A large amount of holy magic burst from the arena floor, the power of it flinging me backward a few meters. The air was electrified, the mini monsters death cries heard from miles away. As I turned, I could then see the feet of another contestant. Sandals? Oh no.

I sat up, finding Natsu punch his last monster, its defence as easy as the first lap.

Son of a.....

He passed the finish line, earning first place. Suddenly, I could see Sting catching up. I got up off the ground and passed the finish line in second, breathing heavily. I saw Natsu walk up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, also panting. I harshly slapped his hand off me, surprising him.

I looked up, fire in my eyes. "Don't touch me, Salamander." I said, mocking and anger mixed in together.

"You better calm down. You don't want to start business with me." he replied, his tiredness wearing off as he pushed his forehead into mine.

"Lying scum. I know what you did to Lucy!" I shouted, pushing with much more force on his forehead.

"Well that's between me and her isn't it?" He shouted back, pushing with more force, evening us out.

"My my, seems like Freed and Natsu are gonna start something big."

Reflectively, we both jumped back, about to brawl it out, but the end bell rang, sounding the game had finished.

"Sorry folks. I'm afraid the boys will have to settle their quarrel later."

Fire bastard. Doesn't know what he's getting himself into....


Freed : That Bastard had that slap coming to him!

Natsu : Bastard? Well your a goddamn Priest!

Freed : At least a Priest isn't someone who goes prowling around like a phsyco-Maniac!

Natsu : Well, you about to see what a phsyo-manic can do!

Lucy : *Grabs both their heads and slams them together, disappointment and anger in her eyes.

Lucy : I hope I'm not going to become the Erza for you guys!

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