Chapter Seventeen : Let The Games Begin!

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We all stood back-arena, waiting anxiously. We all had decided our guild mark. A crescent moon with an eight pointed star. I saw the determination in their eyes. Luna gave me a confident thumbs-up, while the others had grins all over their faces, except for Milli.

I walked up to her, gripping her shoulders.

"What's up Milli?"

She looked up at me, tears starting for form on her eyelids. "Lucy, I'm weak. You saw Freed's strength, I'm nothing compared to that!"

I gave her a strong hug. She was just like me, thoughts of her weakness. Only a phase.

"Milli, you learnt a Lost magic, didn't you?"

She nodded, past her tears. "Then you've surpassed even most wizards here by even knowing the basic skills for your art. Now let's get out there, and show what our guild can do."

With that said, we heard Mato's introduction.

"Coming in first place, a new guild, Celestial Origin!"

We proudly walked out, receiving glares from every direction. We caught stares from Sabertooth and most of all, FairyTail. I could hear their chatter.

"So she actually did it, she created her own guild." Gray said toward Erza, who's arms were crossed tightly.

"Least we can do is wish her luck Gray. We can't change the past now." she responded. As we stopped in the middle of the arena, the crowds cheers were legendary.

"Ok folks! Here are the current scores after the preliminary round!"

A screen showed up, revealing the scores.

1st Celestial Origin : 10pts

2nd FairyTail : 8pts

3rd Sabertooth : 6pts

4th Lamia Scale : 4pts

5th Mermaid Heel : 3pts

6th Blue Pegasus : 2pts

7th Quatro Cerberus : 1pt
(A/N I'm used to saying puppy ;p)

8th Red Ore : 0pts

Conah smiled. "Seems we're in the lead!" He said, determined. But I spoke up, warning them all.

"We may be in the lead now, but don't underestimate anyone here. They qualified for a reason." They nodded, knowing the stakes.

"Well, Let the Annual Gran Magic Games...Begin!" The crowd went wild, the sound almost deafening.

"Will all teams make their way to their assigned positions on the inner balcony. The contestants will be shown no later than two minutes." he finished, giving us time to make out way up the steps. We were caught up by FairyTail, Natsu in particular catching up to us. He tugged on the tail of my dress, catching my attention.

"Why is it Salamander?" I asked coldly, excusing my team mates.

"Celestial Origin?" He asked. "What's your mark?" I lifted the hand my FairyTail mark was on, and revealed the moon and stars mark.

"Our mark symbolises peace and trust, something none of you showed a year ago." I spat. With that said and done, I rushed away, keeping my distance. "We came to wish you luck Lucy." He said, before making his way to his side of the arena. I caught up with my team, who were death glaring FairyTail sharply.

"We are going to win this years games, you hear me." I said, my friends nodding in agreement.

"Alright-kabo, the first game of the day is named Tig. Please select your contestants."

We all watched as all the other teams members step foot at the Center of the arena. I looked at my team and my eyes landed Kastile.
"Kastile, show them what you've got!"

He looked shocked at my sudden decision, but he went neverless. Once again, the screen showed up, stating the contestants.

"From SaberTooth : Olga Nanagear!
From Mermaid Heel : Milliana!
From Quatro Cerberus : WarCry!
From FairyTail : Gray Fullbuster!
From Red Ore : Kissta Dread!
From Celestial Origin : Kastile!
From Lamia Scale : Cheria Blendy!
And from Blue Pegasus : Eve Tearm! "

Kastile POV

I stood in the middle of the arena, the other contestants focusing on the large screen. As it disappeared, I guessed the rules would now be said.

"Alright contestants. The rules of Tig will be explained."

The arena suddenly turned into a large forest, nothing but nature surrounding us. I looked around, realising I was standing alone.

Where has everyone else gone?!

"Ok. The games rules are simple and straight forward. There are bloodthirsty Golems randomly appearing in the forest as we speak. They are the thing your running from. But....the contestants are also on. If you are to clash, then you will engage in battle. But finish it quick, because the Golems have highly advanced magic ability tracking devices and cannot be defeated by anyone in the arena. If you are taken off by a player, you loose a point, while the winner gets one. Be taken out by a Golem, you loose five points, manage to get away from one or inflict enough damage to stun it, you get the five points instead."

I nodded, understanding. "Alright then- kabo, let Tig....Begin!"

With that, I heard the loud cheers of the crowd. This game was going to be hard, but I had to try my best. I dashed through the forest, trying to get used to the natural landscape. Suddenly, a girl with a black pixie cut walked out through the trees, not yet noticing me.

Too late, she turned her head, staring me in the eye.

I really wanted to avoid this!

We locked in battle. I had to end it, quick.

"Hello there, Kastile."


She fired herself at me, aiming a simple, physical knockout blow. Good idea. Clever actually. Considering the golems track magic battles. But not good enough to send me packing.

"Sorry about this" I apologised, before drawing a complex magic signature in the air, leaving the glowing lines. "Magic Circle Formation : Knockout!"

A dark blue magic circle appeared at her feet, starting to glow brighter and brighter by the second. After a few exciting build up moments, she passed out quietly, somewhat disappointing, yet that's it's purpose, quiet elimination of the enemy, using up little magic energy.

"Whoa! Kastile took out Kissta with one attack! Is he a force to be reckoned with?"

Kissta disappeared, her body pixelating in front of my eyes. I watched as my points went up one, but I knew better than to stick around. Golems could be sniffing me out this second.

To my surprise, I heard two ugly screams in the direction I was heading. "Olga got two birds with one stone! Eve and WarCry are out and starting again in another location."

My first place position slipped into second, Olga's name rising above mine.

Seems I've got some work ahead of me...


Natsu : Cliffhanger guys!!

Sting : That was my line Salamander.

Natsu : Don't blame me! Blame the writer! She's the one creating this story, not me!

Sting : I don't want to beat down her, so I'll beat down you!

*Natsu & Sting have an AWESOME battle that destroys half of Fiore.*

Kastile : I STILL have no idea whats going on.....

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