TwentyFive : Battles Once Again

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Lucy POV
I turned to look at Freed, who was scowling heartlessly toward Natsu, who was also returning the glare. I shook my head.

Those two will turn out just like Gray and Natsu. Then again, Natsu tries to pick a bone with anyone who opposes him. Lets just hope that they get a battle together. At least their childish quarrels will end.

We all stared at the board, which has just appeared after the game.

1st Celestial Origin - 38pts
2nd FairyTail - 34pts
3rd Mermaid Heel - 24pts
4th SaberTooth - 20pts
4th Lamia Scale - 20pts
6th Red Ore - 9pts
7th Blue Pegasus - 6pts
8th Quatro Cerberus - 2pts

I turned my gaze to Freed, who was looking downward to the concrete floor. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Freed. It wasn't your fault. We're still in the lead, plus you destroyed the mini Acnologia! That's more than just finishing the round first. That's showing you can go toe to toe with a ten wizard saint! I bet even Jura will be looking forward to fighting you!"

He looked up, meeting Jura's smirking face. He knew I was right. He sat up, smiling widely.

"Yeah, your right!" He replied. He pulled his fist into his chest, determination in his eyes.

"I'll be looking forward to fighting with Jura myself actually. How strong is he?"

I laughed lightly, adoring his question.

"I'll tell you he's no ordinary wizard." I said back. Even I was looking forward to the fight. We'll see if he'll end up with Jura. Now won't that be interesting?

"Welcome back to the Battle part of the games! Well get right to it - kabo!"

"First up, Luna Moon of Celestial Origin!"

I turned to glance at Luna, who looked like she was about to scream with joy. She turned to me, grabbing my hands.

"It's my turn to show you my power Lucy! I'll warn you now, it's a real shocker!"

She ran down the steps in glee, her dark raven hair the last I could see of her till she dashed into the arena, waving with a large smile on her face.

"My Fiore. Seems we have an underdressed lady walking onto the grounds. And I like it!"

"Against her, Gajeel Redfox of FairyTail!"

The crowds cheers were loud and energetic as the two opponents stood stiffly on the arena area. I could feel the tension. Those two wanted to fight for a long time now, I guess now is that time.

"Luna. Gajeel. Begin!"

The bell rang, the two charging at each other.

This wasn't any old fight. I knew it was a brawl that distinguished them two. Who was strongest? Guess I'll have to watch and find out.....



I'm sorry guys. Since school is tomorrow (7th Jan) I had to finish this book early. I really wanted to get this battle into one chapter since I know the feeling of waiting FOREVER for an update, also leaving everyone unsatisfied isn't good for me either. I DO have some questions to ask you guys tho.

1 . I was thinking about doing an Sword Art Online (SAO) fanfic book too. Don't get me wrong, I WONT neglect this book. FairyTailer for life over here! But, I want my readers opinions on this.

2 . I know this will sound CRAZY and HARDCORE, but what about an Attack On Titan Fanfic? (Who am I kidding?! I won't be able to get THAT much description, gore or excitement in one book!) Neverless, it's worth a try!

3 . Finally, I'm currently watching Code Geass, I skimmed through the first 15 episodes yesterday, and I thought I could create a FanFic of that too! If not Code Geass, maybe I could make up my own anime story book! I have loads of ideas!

(then Hiro Mashima will see its potential and get it animated into a real show! That. Would. Be. Awesome.
-About Five Minutes Later-
I've just came back from searching the probability of that happening....

1 in 7 billion...........


Yeah, my dreams and life goals are pretty much gone now.

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now