Chapter TwentyOne : Suprise Win

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Erza's POV
I watched intently as Rufus appeared in the arena, his hat pressed against his chest. His smirk was confident, yet un easy. He knew I would be tough to beat. I turned my head to focus on Lucy, her hands gripping the ledge, her cold stare eyeing me down. But I knew, she truly wanted me to win this fight.

"Alright-kabo! Your thirty minutes!"

I dashed at Rufus, my blade pointed sharply at his neck. As I was about to slice his head clean, he quickly disappeared, leaving my sword to connect with nothing.

"My my Titania, I was hoping for something more than this." he said, his body somehow behind me.

"Yellow birds sing to the sun, as you will, when you are defeated by me." he continued, putting both hands behind him. I got another sword to land in my palms, dual wielding.

"Sorry Rufus, but you'll have to be much better than that to defeat me." I replied, fingers gripping the handles tightly.

"I will, Great Titania." I watched as he put his fingers to his temple, the strange aura swimming in the air.

"Oh my dearest Titania, I hope you are ready."

I smiled, getting into the ready position.

"Memory Make : Night Of Falling Stars"

I watched as his body lit up with a yellow light, before glowing magic spears shot out from his body engulfed in light, aiming them all towards me. As they all shot in one direction, I quickly jumped to one side, the attack barely touching me.

"Requipt! Heavens Wheel Armour!" I shouted, watching as my body lit up, my armour changing. As I felt my silver blades in my hands, I jumped up, my circular motion of swords spinning behind me.

"Dance my Blades!" I said, swinging my arms violently. The spiral of swords ran full speed at Rufus, but his body dispersed, leaving my attack to touch nothing. He reappeared at the side, his fingers still connected to his temple.

"Memorised." he said clearly, his eyes sharp.

"Requipt! Morning Star Armour!"

I quickly ran at him again, slashing my sword at his head. Once again, he disappeared, smirking.


"Requipt! Sea Empress Armour!"

I swung my swords, large gushes of water escaping the blades, all aimed at Rufus. Annoyingly, he reappeared again, this time behind me.

"Once again....memorised." He sent a strong palm towards my back, toppling me over. I stood back up, only to find him disappear again. I turned quickly, only to see him again in front of me.

"I got you! Requipt! Purgatory Armour!"

I swung my club quickly at his body. My temper running on edge, my club only hitting the thin air.

"Seems the Great Titania is losing her ground everyone!" The reporter said, his wig sliding off his head slightly.

"My oh my Titania." he said, standing far behind me. I turned, getting annoyed by his tricks. He placed his index finger on his temple, closing his eyes.

"Memorised. So, I guess it's my turn?"

I smiled. Guess my plan has worked.

"Memory Make : Morning Heaven Wheel Star!"

I watched as multiple spiralling, glowing blades fired themselves toward me. Perfect.

"Requipt! Flight Armour!" I moved with lightning speed past the attack, running intently at Rufus. As I was about to slash his neck, I quickly pushed one foot ahead, skidding to a stop. As I did, I flung my arm gripping the blade backward, slicing the real Rufus's cheek, a small amount of blood dripping down his face.

The fake version, dispersed, leaving me with my sword in mid air and Rufus far away, touching his sliced cheek.

"How?..." He started, but kept his cool neverless.

"Erza got the Memory Wizard by the cheek! It looks like she's got her ground back!"

"Memory Make : Purgatory Sea Empress!" He shouted, a black stained liquid firing from his palms.

"Requipt! Black Wing Armour!"

I sliced the liquid in half, my armour clashing with its elements. In the blink of an eye, I quickly changed into Piercing Armour, my jousting lance firing itself through Rufus's stomach, knocking him over.

I watched as he coughed up blood, clenching his belly with his blooded hands, his face going pale.

"Give up Rufus. I saw through it all. I made you copy the armours attacks, only for me to use their opposites against them." I said mockingly, waiting for the end bell to ring.

"M-Memory Make : Healing Blessing"

I watched in horror as his stomach healed, his body retaining his light, natural colour.

"Sorry, Erza. Memory Make : Titans Lightning."
(A/N I know this is irrelevant, but Attack on Titan Anime is a part of my Life!)

I watched as an enormous sword over shadowed me, the blade covered in lightning sparks. Immediately, it slammed into me, the ground erupting.

As it lifted, I barely managed to dodge, gripping my arm tightly. I had no choice.

"You give me no choice, Rufus Lore."

He raised an eyebrow, suspicious.

"Requipt! Seduction Armour!"

I hugged my blade lightly, hunching on my toes.

"Oh Rufus...." I said sweetly, batting my eyelashes.

His expression was priceless.

"Ladies and gentlemen......"

I watched in relief as Rufus fell to the ground in pure shock, his body seising to move at all. After a few seconds, the bell went off, the crowd in utter silence.

"Fiore, Erza.....has won.......this fight...."

I walked shamefully back up the balcony, the crowd still silent. I saw all my team standing in the same direction, minds dumb struck. Finally, Natsu turned round, eyes nervous.


"Don't even! Don't go there Natsu...."


I'm sorry guys. After I remembered the episode when Erza said she had Seduction Armour, I couldn't help myself! :)

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