Chapter Six : Wizard Slaying Magic

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"Wait!" I shouted out, stopping Zeref in his tracks. "Wizard Slaying Magic has the potential to kill wizards?"

"Yes. If used the way it is designed. The way I will teach you is to temporarily harm your opponent."

I nodded, heaving a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Zeref sped toward me. On instinct, I performed a backflip, landing steadily on my legs. Again, he ran toward me. He threw some punches, each one I blocked successfully. I didn't know what was happening, but I assumed it was part of the training.

He sent forth a kick. I grabbed him and spun it around, pushing him back. As he stopped skidding across the grass, he started clapping. "Well done Lucy. Since your physical abilities seems to have no problem, learning this magic should be easy as cutting a cake."

He gently touched my forehead, sending the spells into my mindset. "I gave you the spells, all you need to do know is preform them. Try spell thirteen."

I nodded, before lifting my hands up.

"Fiery chaos!" I shouted, my index and middle fingers pointing up. I watched as the ground broke up, red hot eruptions exploding from the earth.

"Very good Lucy. In fact, that was the hardest attack on there. You got used to it easy. Seems the Third Origin was working better than I imagined"

I smiled, I had this wrapped around my finger.

"Ok Lucy, try spell forty five."

I closed my eyes, searching for the spell, as I found it, I shot open my eyes.

"Stone Snakes!"

Marble snakes rose from the ground, searching for a target. As they saw none, they crumbled up, nothing but the crushed rubble left.

"That, Lucy, were Cursed Stone Snakes. One bite could deplete your all magic energy, in a second."

"Wow! And all these spells are mine?!"

"Yep. All sixty of them."

"This is so cool!"

"But, to make sure you can cast them properly, we start from one. Lets go, the sooner we finish, the better!"


Mira : Sorry guys! The writer can't think of anything else to put in this chapter, so hang on and wait at least an hour before she posts another!

Me : wow, thanks Mira! But she's right guys. I know how it feels to wait forever for something to be updated, so I'll get on it RIGHT NOW :)

Me : Also, since Natsu's still unconscious ...

Mira & Me : FairyTailGlitter does not own FairyTail . H I R O M A S H I M A does.

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now