Chapter Thirty : Dragons Invade

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I watched as the others ran to their positions, taking on the left and right, leaving us to handle the big one coming our way. We stood frozen as the dragons molten fire breath flew our way. But, as expected, Natsu was swallowing it by the second. Acting apon instinct, I quickly jumped over the occupied Natsu and sent a barrelling punch to the dragons head, causing him to smash into the ground, unconscious.

The others stared in awe as I jumped down from its head, the other beasts flying our way.

"No time to stand there staring. We have a city to protect!!" I shouted. With it said and done, we all charged mercilessly toward the flying lizards, magic charged and ready. We all jumped as high as we could, aiming to send fierce magic energy to their skulls.

This is going to be fun......

Milli's Group - Squad Two

I watched in envy as Lucy and her group pounded down on the front line dragons, each one taken down with ease. I looked behind me, everyone else feeling the same way.

"H-How are they beating all those Dragons?" Erza asked in awe. I smiled, pitying she didn't realise the answer yet.

"Dear Titania, its because Lucy is leading them. She's way stronger than what she was a year ago."

She gripped my shoulder with her armoured hands, looking at me sternly.

"Milli, I understand why you hate FairyTail, but I believe that the past is the past, so let it go."

I scowled at her. "Until Lucy herself agrees to that, I'm afraid that it won't be possible."

Sting butted in, a cocky smirk stamped on his face. "Why is she even leading us anyway? She's not exactly the strongest one here! I bet her powers a cheap knock off."

I viciously sent a powerful punch to his face, toppling him over.

"Who's the knock off now?!" I spat back, circling my wrist. Lyon stood in between us. I could tell he was unimpressed.

"Guys. We are currently battling dragons right now. Don't you think it's a bit late to be arguing over who's the knock off?"

"You wanna punch?!" I said back, pulling my arm to aim.

Erza pulled us apart, pointing to the front.

"We may have a dragon that got away from the front lines. Now's not the time to be quarrelling. He's heading for the villages!"

I looked up, finding a green dragon fly over us, its eyes fixed on the towns.

"You know your duty! Let's stop it. One dragon shouldn't be a handful!"

We all ran after it on the cities rooftops, its body slowly descending.

"Let's finish it before it touches the ground!" I screamed, everyone firing themselves at its back.

"Requipt! : Heavens wheel Armour!"

Erza sent a barrage of blades into the dragons backside, while the others used their attacks, scarring it, but not enough to finish it off. She looked at me, a serious tone in her eyes.

"Can you finish it off?" She shouted, the dragon moving closer to the town by the second. I nodded, not like I had a choice.

Everyone backed up as I ran forward, aiming for the killing blow. I shouted out to Lyon, who was the closest to me.

"Lyon! Throw me an ice ball!"


"Just do it!!"

He quickly threw a small ice ball at me, which I caught easily.


The ice ball changed into a large double edged sword twice the size of my body. Amazing everyone, I sliced the dragon in half, its body decomposing fast. Soon after, the group ran toward me, their faces priceless.

"How did you...."

"Transmutation. The ability to change anything, into anything else."

I dropped the blade, the matter turning into the same material as the cracked concrete.

"Guess my powers not a cheap knock off, eh?" I said, the question directed at Sting.

One Nil to Milli.
Zero to Sting.

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now