Chapter Seven : Celestial Magic

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~TimeSkip 3 Months~

Seems our illusion was false. Learning Wizard Slaying Magic wasn't as easy as 1 2 3. It was actually as easy as 'if one man walked around Fiore, calculate the mass of Master Makarov.'

I watched as Zeref let out a huge sigh of relief. "Seems you've finally mastered Wizard Slaying Magic."

I could feel his frustration and relief, but I do feel stronger. Larger Magic Capacity, knowledge strength and speed. I felt like a Ten Wizard Saint.

"Time to learn Celestial Magic I guess." he yawned, stretching out.

"If you don't mind Zeref, would you explain to me what Celestial magic is."

"Well..." he started, falling from the tree he was sitting on. "Celestial magic is magic you borrow from the Celestial world and make it your own. Like Make-Magic, but a larger span of possibilities."

He walked away from me, holding a single Palm out. " Zeref's Power, Celestial Make: Darkest Star Shower" I stood amazed as multiple black shooting stars came upon impact into the forest, destroying the trees and land around us. But as they always did, the trees grew back in less than a second. "Destructive Magic" he said, walking away.

"Now you try. Anything at all. Then say it."

"Celestial Make : Night Sky Shield"

Amazingly, a similar shield to Gray's ice make shield appeared, but in the form of a decorative star. (A/N See Multimedia Pic)

"But how..." I stated, staring at the shield.

"Your power exceeds the normal attack formations. You create more sophisticated patterns, therefore they are more powerful."

I chuckled, trying again. Holding up two fingers, I shouted out again. "Celestial Make : Universe Blaster!"

A large blue beam erupted from my palm, destroying everything in its path. I was horrified.

"No worries. It kills anything that is inanimate. Wizards will only be hurt extremely by it."

I breathed a sigh of relief, of course I wanted to hurt them, but not kill them.

"Give it a final shot, but this time, destructive magic." Zeref said, staring carefully at my stance.

I nodded, letting my imagination free. It then hit me.

"Celestial Make : Crescent Apocalypse!"

I watched as a small white ball stood a few meters in front of us. It quickly expanded, before setting off a large explosion, me and Zeref just in front of the mass attack. As it died down, all we saw was soil, the bark, the leaves, the bushes, everything disappeared. Luckily, the greenery sprung up again, returning to its former state.

"You wanted destruction, I gave you destruction." I said, amazed at my work.

"Good Lucy. You still need to expand your imagination. Next, defence."

I turned around, thinking of a defence make...

~TimeSkip 2 Months~

Me and Zeref's dummies where caught in combat, it was a test to see if my imagination had grown. I requested that I fought against Erza and Mirajane.

Mirajane changed into her Satan Soul : Halphas ( A/N Search this Satan Soul. Its my Fav!)
while Erza was in her Shining Wheel Armour. Fortunately for my training, Zeref put them on Half Potential, meaning they would fight and sort of react as they would in real life. I was told I could only use Celestial Make too.

Mira dove towards me, her sharp claws aiming at my chest. "Celestial Make : Night Sky Shield!"
The star formed, blocking me from Mira. Surprisingly, she saw the attack and flew up, going around. As expected.

"Celestial Make : Gate Thirteens Wrath!"

Large black tentacles rose from the ground, grabbing Mirajane and slamming her violently onto the ground. As her body disappeared, I knew I had one this fight.

"Next, Erza Scarlet."

She rushed toward me, her dual wielding swords slashed at me. "Celestial Make : Moonlit Armour!"

Yellow armour covered my body, a sharp sword in one hand, a shield in another. I instantly knocked Erza down and stabbed her through the belly. Her body disappeared, along with my magic.

As I stood, hand on hip, Zeref walked towards me.

"Seems you've mastered Celestial Make Lucy. But are you ready for the biggest of them all..."

"Magic of the Dark Arts."

"Or also known as Zeref's Blessing"

Natsu : *ice pack on head*

Natsu : Hi guys! Seems only 7 months till the GMG. Also, Ive been sent by the owner of this FanFic to tell you some info, incase you hot heads haven't noticed yet!

Natsu : Words in italics mean people are speaking, so listen up!

Words in bold mean that's what the person is thinking, so you can listen up on all the naughty secrets.

Words in italic plus bold is either a A/N or a Conversation like this !

Natsu : FairyTailGlitter doesn't own FairyTail
H I R O M A S H I M A does.

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