Chapter Twelve : Old Friends

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I walked through the streets of Fiore, my revenge dispersing.

That idiot Natsu got what he deserved! But now...what do I do?

As I looked up, I friends, my old friends, back at the Heartfilia mansion when I needed someone to play with. I watched closely as they pointed at the map on the street, searching for somewhere. The FairyTail guild! Anywhere but there.

I dashed towards them, grabbing one by the neck and hugging then tightly.

"Who is this bimbo?" A female one said, trying to pry me off her.

"Luna! Get her off me."

I finally spoke up. " You said you wouldn't leave me, not until I died..." I whispered, waiting to see her reaction.

"Lucy? Is that you?"

I broke away from the hug, staring her in the eye.

"Who else could it be!" I replied, squealing, jumping up and down. I had just realised three boys behind them, and my mouth shot open.

"Freed, Conah, Kastile, is that you?" I said, letting go of her and jumping into the arms of Freed, who used to be the group midget, but seems to be the tallest one here. I backed up, looking at all of them. My friends, where really here.

I had five friends that kept me company while my father couldn't. They where Milli Theft, Luna Moon, Freed Meth, Conah Step and Kastile.

"So." Milli said, running her hands through her bright blonde hair, "how's your team in FairyTail?" She asked, the others excitement rising.

"Well, let's say we're not a 'Team' anymore"

And just like that, the adrenaline and excitement is gone in a flash.

Conah pushed to the front, looking concerned. "Why? What happened?"

"Let's just say, they not the great bunch I always sent letters to you about."

They all sighed. I chuckled. "You were that excited to see them, weren't you?"

"More excited to see you actually." Freed said, looking down to his feet. My face lit up. I had the best idea.

"I got an idea guys. You always wanted to learn magic, didn't you?"

Milli jumped up and down, squealing. "Duh! Are you going to teach us?"

I raised my eyebrows, imagining the idea. "Me? No! After all, I want you to learn Lost, forbidden magic, it makes more special that way."

Luna our her hand into her hip, unsure. "Then who IS going to teach us?"

"Someone who goes by the name.....Zeref." I replied, waiting to see their response.

Kastile spoke up, relief on his face. "Oh ok. That's fine then.....Wait...WHAT?!" He screamed, eyes shooting open.

"Hold on there Lucy. Even if we're not wizards, we still know who Zeref is, and he's the last person anyone wants to meet." Conah said.

"Come on guys! Believe it or not, he's the one who taught me my magic. It'll be fine."

They calmed down over the idea, but I'm betting they still had their doubts.

"Open, gate of the Twin Dimension, Zenia!" I shouted, and the purple portal opened, amazing them all. They hesitantly stepped through, me going in last.

As I passed through, the portal closed, sealing us in. They all looked around, only seeing a large amount of vast trees and bushes.

"Zeref!! Zeref!!!!" I screamed. Afterwards, he appeared, a scowl written in face. "Lucy, you promised me...."

"Calm down Zeref. I brought them here so they can learn Lost magic for the Games."

They all turned to me, amazed. Luna walked up to me, grabbing my shoulders. "Hold your horses Lucy. We came here only to learn magic, not to enter the games after! Hell! It's a month away! Magic takes no less that 5 years to perfect!"

They all nodded in agreement. "I agree with them Lucy. " Zeref responded, crossing his arms. "Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong!" I shouted at him, pointing a childish finger. Zeref backed up and turned the other direction, leaving me to talk to my friends.

"Guys. Believe it or not, I learnt 3 different sections of magic in a year. Three ok? Your only learning one, which would take three weeks max with Zeref. In three weeks, the games would be 5 days away. So I lay the facts in the table. Are you with me?"

They all turned to each other, before nodding in unison. "One question." Milli started. "I'm all ears" I replied.

"How do we now which Magic type we should choose?"

"Let Zeref decide that for you."

We broke from our conversation and walked up to Zeref. I tapped his shoulder, him turning in response. "So, are they in?" He asked, looking unimpressed with what he's seen so far.

"Yes they are."

"Do they know what Lost magic they want?"

"I told them you'd be the judge of that."

I saw him nod. "Good choice. Alright. I'm in."

I turned around, smiling. "Zeref said he's in guys. Guess that means I'm off."

Freed grabbed me as I walked past him. "Wait. Going where?"

"I'm off the fill out Official Guild Paperwork. We're becoming an official Guild."

He let go of me. Not of approval, but of pure shock. I'm sure though, that Zeref will get them to change their minds in no time

"Open, gate of the Twin Dimension, Fiore!"

The green portal appeared, begging me to step inside. "Im off. I'll be back in three weeks. Train hard!"

I stepped through the portal, excited to soon see what magic abilities my friends will have.

Beware FairyTail, a new guild with kick you out the water!


Luna : I can't believe Lucy talked us into doing this!

Milli : Have a little faith guys! We're gonna be stronger than any other wizard we looked up too!

Conah : I would have more faith, if we weren't being taught by Zeref!

Zeref : SHUT UP! Training will begin... *evil stare*

Conah & Luna : We're Zeref food.

Milli : I have no choice but to agree with you now..

Freed : Come on guys! BE MEN!

Milli & Conah & Luna : SHUT UP!

Kastile : Don't look at me, I have no idea what's going on too...


Hope you like my spin on things :)

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