Chapter ThirtyThree - Pervy Sting

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Lucy POV

"Dragon Rider : Igneel Take Over!"

I watched as my clothing disappeared, being replaced by a gold and red special armour with real wings. I soared into the air, coming in equal height to the dragons.

I placed my palms up, crimson magic energy growing in that point. At the right moment, I set it loose, exterminating the entire front line of the dragons, leaving only a few hundred left. I then looked down, finding Natsu and the others waving frantically at me. I couldn't hear them since I was high up, but they where shouting towards me, each one of them acting like maniacs.

Soon enough, I saw Natsu point to the side, still waving. I turned, only to see a quick streak of a dragons claw swipe into my body, pushing me backwards with enormous strength.

I let myself free fall, the air flying by as I fell a slippery descent. As I could feel the ground getting closer, two strong arms grabbed me, stopping me inches above the ground. I could feel them skid to a stop, my body aching from the hit.

I knew instantly who it was. I opened one eye, a small steak of pink hair visible. I smiled in my head.

Of course it's you Natsu.

I sat up, my muscles tiring. That hit took a toll on me.

" ok?"

I smiled at him. "I'm ok Natsu."

I had just realised what I had said. In that moment, I jumped up from his arms and walked to the front, refusing to look back.


"Don't! Say anything." I replied, still focusing on the dragons. None of them were moving, more so, attacking. Kagura walked up to me, standing by my side.

"Why aren't they attacking?"

I saw from the corner of my eye Milli run up to me, her squad following. I could see Stings confident smirk on his face, his eyes fixed on Milli like a puppy dog. Strange.

"What's your status?" I asked, my eyes scanning each member of her group, checking for injuries. Still, Stings glaring was freaking me out. I watched curiously as Milli turned and sent a palm to his face, Sting falling to the floor.

"Our status is satisfactory Lucy. The only problem is we have a perv, in our group."

Sting slowly got on his feet, rubbing his cheek slowly. I nodded, holding back a smile as best as I could.

"Ok then. Sting, stop being pervy."

With that said, I left a mesmerised Sting and Milli standing together. I shook my head, a smile still on my face.

None of them would admit it, but their totally falling for each other.

I focused my attention back onto the flying beasts, Natsu walking up to my side. I refused to look him in the eye, still staring at the dragons.

"Lucy, by the way, why is Sting looking at Milli like that?" He asked, head turned to the two. I mentally face palmed, too occupied to explain.

"They look like know.....I don't know what the word is.....L-L-Luck? No, that's not it...."

I turned to him, eyes burning.

"Just be quiet Natsu. Your too young to understand."

The ground then started to shake violently, a deep rattling sound erupting from the air. We soon all saw a dark, dragon like figure descent from the heavens, a huge roar escaping from the head.

The beast himself has come at last.

The other squads ran to the centre, where we a were ready to fight.

Time to hit it with all the fire power we've got.....

Chat Episode :

Everyone sits at their tables while I walk in, holding the FairyTail Register.

Me : Good morning everyone and welcome to FairyTail class. I am your teacher Miss FairyTailGlitter.

Natsu : *raises hand*

Me : Yes Natsu?

Natsu : your names a bit long. How about Miss Fairy.

Me : No.

Natsu : Miss One Piece?

Me : No.

Natsu : Miss DeathNote?

Me : *annoyed* No.

Natsu : Miss Log Horizon?

Me : No Natsu!

Natsu : I know! Miss TITAN!


Natsu : FairyTailGlutter?

Me : *bursting* FINE! I'll be Miss Fairy!

Natsu : *nods* good enough for me.

Me : *sighs* ok. Let's do the register then!

Me : Lucy!

Lucy : Here Miss Fairy!

Me : Natsu!

Natsu : Here Miss Fairy!

Me : Gray!

Gray : Here Miss Fairy!

Me : Wendy!

Wendy : Here Miss Fairy!

Me : Gajeel!

Gajeel : Whatever!

Me : Erza !

Erza : Here!

Me : Laxus!

Laxus : *walks out door*

Me : Come back here!!

Laxus : Sorry. You made me do it! Also, I ain't sitting around in some boring classroom. I'm going back to the guild!

Me : Fine! Now...who's this?... *stares at register.*

Sting : That's Pervy Sting!

Milli : *punches him out cold.*

Milli : Yep. He's here.

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