TwentyThree : Second Day

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"Welcome-kabo, to the second day of the Grand Magic Games! The first day was a blast, introducing new opponents, but it was mearly a taster! Let's get it over with!"

The score board came up, the results from the battles added.

1st Celestial Origin - 30pts
2nd FairyTail - 24pts
3rd Lamia Scale - 17pts
4th Mermaid Heel - 16pts
5th SaberTooth - 14pts
6th Red Ore - 5pts
7th Blue Pegasus - 4pts
8th Quatro Cerberus - 2pts

I smiled. We hadn't faltered a single mistake. Not even once.

"It seems Celestial Origin haven't lost a single round. Impressive!"

I turned to Erza, who's face was lit up with joy.

Guess me accepting her apology certainly lifted her mood.

"Ok-kabo! It seems the game today with be Round The Track! Send in your competitors!"

I saw the excitement in Freed's eyes, so I decided that it was his time to shine.

"Go on then Freed. I know how much you love racing!"

"Really?" He asked, hesitating. I winked at him, as I did, firing himself off the balcony, landing in the arena. We all knew he had Forbidden Holy Magic, but I knew there was much more to it that. He hasn't shown us the full extent of his power yet.

"From Celestial Origin : Freed Meth!
From SaberTooth : Sting Eucliffe !
From FairyTail : Natsu Dragneel!
From Lamia Scale : Toby Horthorta!
From Blue Pegasus : Hibiki Lates!
From Mermaid Heel : Beth Vanderwood!
From Quatro Cerberus : Rocker!
And from Red Ore : Opera Youth! "

Freed's POV

I watched closely as the screen disappeared, leaving all the players on the field. As expected, a huge spiral track was printed onto the arena floor, each contestant being transported to each lane. I was in Lane One, closest to the middle and beside Sting. He gave me cocky smirk, which I replied with a rolling of the eyes.

"Alright then-kabo. As you know, this is a Racing Game. Each of you have an individual lane that is five meters wide. None of you can touch the other racers, barriers between lanes have been set up to prevent cheating. Here are the rules. You all, must run round the track twice. There are five points on your lane. These points indicate that a monster of some type has been put there. You must successfully kill it to continue. Kill 10 monsters, resulting in going round the track twice, you will be given points to your team according to your rank finishing."

I nodded, that wasn't so hard to do.

"Hold on. You think it's easy, right? Wrong. Your first lap will be a breeze for most of you, but as you enter the second lap, things get a little more frenzy. During the second lap, the monsters will become more powerful and larger in size. The last one especially. If you are lucky, your final monster will be as easy as the first lap. If you are unlucky, well let's say your going up against a mini Acnologia."

The whole crowd, even the guilds gawped at this suggestion.

"Don't worry though. The monsters are created by random. Plus you can drop out at anytime you desire. But you will receive no points for this game."

So basically, giving up isn't an option.

"One last thing, remember when I said the lanes were five meters long? Well you have maximum 5 minute time limit. The lanes with gradually shrink, squashing you like a bug between its fingers. Take too long, you get squished. Simple as that!"

"Well, he has a nice way of saying it..." Sting said, confidence shrinking by the second.

Well.....let's get this game over with.


Sorry peeps, you'll have to wait a little longer for the chapter.

*Laughs wickedly*

Id like to thank Something_Happy BlueLunarStar for helping me come up with this game!

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