Chapter Nine : Dark Arts Part 2

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~TimeSkip 6 Months~

"Spell 998!" Zeref shouted, munching on a black apple with a mysterious red magic circle imprinted on its skin.

"Black Hole!"

A black and purple spiral appeared at my palm, its violent sucking action absorbing the vegetation around me. I quickly cast it out, the spiral disappearing and the trees reappearing.

"Spell 999!" Zeref shouted once again.

Seriously. Give me a break! I may have a VERY large amount of magic energy, but that doesn't mean my physical ability is just as good!

"Death's Cloak"

I turned invisible, nothing could see me. After a few minutes, I let the spell go, dispersing the magic.

"And finally Spell 1000!"

I smirked. The last one.

"Black Waves"

I slashed my hands, black waves escaping, slicing trees in half with ease. I looked at Zeref, my first sweat falling down my forehead in forever.

"I'm happy to say, you've learnt your 1000 spells of Dark Arts."

I pushed a fist in the air, thanking the stars that my training is now complete.

"I have to say though. Spell 10 took you 3 months to master without flaw."

"That Zeref transformation took a while, ok. It's not easy turning into the female version of you you know!"

We chuckled and laughed for a while, before Zeref brought up the question.

"What are you going to do when you get back to Fiore?"

"What? Does Zeref want me to stay?"

"No. But seriously. What are you going to do?"

I sat, thinking.

"I don't actually know. I do however, know I have to kick Natsu's butt first thing, in front of everyone."

"Good goal. But what after that?"

"Enter the GMG of course!"

"As what? A FairyTail member?"

"No, probably not. I'll maybe.... create my own guild..."

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now