Chapter Eleven : Natsu vs Lucy

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We stood on the field, the wind calm, but it carried the endless sensation of tension.

"Are you ready Natsu?" I asked, a smile forming on my lips. He didn't respond, but his stance and facial expression said it all. He was ready. With that out the way, I pulled away my cloak, revealing my new clothing.

No more time to waste, Natsu ran toward me, his fists flying.

"Fire Dragon....Iron Fist!" He shouted, fire engulfing his hand. With my body standing still, I jumped up and fired myself off his head, sending him into the dirt. I landed, barely moving my body. I turned around, the guild amazed at my strength.

"I'm sure you can put up a better fight than this Natsu." I said mockingly, as he dug his head out the dirt.

"Fire Dragon....Roar!"

A spiral of flames moved towards me, it's heat excruciating from here.

"Celestial Make : Night Sky Shield!"

The star formed, blocking the attack. The guild had their mouths open, except for Gray.

"Lucy can do Make Magic?!" He shouted, his clothes still in tact. Even Natsu looked amazed. The shield disappeared slowly, my body still not scratched.

"Your boring me over here."

"Fine! No going easy now!"

I watched as he got into his stance. This'll be interesting.

"Crimson Lotus : Exploding Flame Blade!"

A large spiral of fire approached me, its speed fast.

"Time to come out! Open, gate of the Guardian, Gladiator!"

Gladiator appeared in a poof, his double shields strapped onto his hands. He quickly slammed them together, creating a magic shield that protected us from every direction. The attack bounced off the shield, throwing it back at Natsu.

As Gladiator disappeared, the smoke did too, revealing a beat up Natsu.

"What kind of spirit was that? Too strong to be a sliver spirit."

Open, gate of the Mother Phoenix, Singe!

A spirit was red hair and brown Phoenix feathers appeared, shooting into the air.

"Brawling Flame!" She shouted, large whip like tongues extending from both her hands. I stood emotionless as they grabbed Natsu and sent him slamming into the ground, his mouth dripping with blood. After a few rams into the earth, I decided he had experienced enough.

"That's enough Singe."

"As you wish Lucy."

She disappeared, Natsu left lying on the ground, half conscious. Lisanna ran towards him, wiping the blood from his lips. She turned to look at me, anger in her eyes.

"LUCYYY!" She screamed, running at me. Luckily for her, Elfman stopped her in her tracks, holding Lisanna back.

"Not now Lisanna." he said, calming her down.

Erza ran up to me, her eyes wide. Gray followed, along with Wendy and the Exceeds. I grabbed Wendy first, hugging her tightly.

"Oh Lucy, your back" she said, behind her sniffles.

"I am. And you waited for me Wendy. Thank you." I responded, breaking our hug. I wiped the tears from her eyes, admiring her kindness.

"Luceeeee!" Happy squealed, landing in my arms.

"I missed you Lucy."

"Missed you too Happy."

I have each of the Exceeds a hug, before turning my attention on the two FairyTails in front of me.

"Titana, Fullbuster" I said coldly, looking them both square in the eyes.

"You know Make magic?" Gray said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes, what does it matter to you. Your the ones that laughed at my weakness a year ago."

Erza spoke up. "We realise now that what we did was wrong. We ask that you forgive us Lucy."

I saw past their apology. "You ask for forgiveness after a year, when you should have the moment I left the guild. I am not accepting your apology." I said sternly, turning away. As I walked in the opposite direction, Gray called out "Aren't you going to rejoin FairyTail?"

"No. I will never join your guild. GoodBye FairyTail."


Lucy : That flame brain deserved what was coming to him.

Erza : Please forgive us Lucy...please!!

Lucy : I gave you my answer Erza. No.

Erza : I'll give up Strawberry Cake for an entire month, a year if I have too. Please!

Lucy : hmmmmm... Well....

Erza : So, will you? *hope in her eyes*

Lucy : let me think about that.....No.


Hi guys!!

I've planned out the next few chapters of the book, so I should have no problem writing them down :)

oH. Don't forget to vote and comment (>•<) --}

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