Chapter Sixteen : GMG Preliminary

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I'm going to skip what Mato says about the rules and regulations of the Grand Magic Games. On to the Preliminary Rounds! Also, this is my type of the GMG, so the games will be different. But the characters will remain the same. I own only the characters created by me, and the games I have made up. Everything else is owned by Hiro Mashima.


We watched as the hologram of Mato disappeared, leaving us all sitting ducks. Milli turned to me, while I was gripping the balconies wooden stall.

"So we basically have to find any of the eight keys scattered around the city, then get to the castles gate to confront Mato?"

"Whats worse, is we only have one hour to get one!" Conah said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I smirked, they were new, so I couldn't blame them. "That Mascots always got something up his sleeve. Let's go search for the keys now, but be alert for a twist later."

With that, we all jumped out the balcony and landed quietly on the grass, jumping over the fence. I felt Luna grab me, concern in her eyes.

"Mato also said....the Games organisers are not responsible for any deaths that occur in the Preliminary Round."

I turned to her. "We don't kill, not unless it's absolutely necessary. Leave the killing to the desperate guilds."

Suddenly, Conah pushed us all behind the bushed fence. Milli quietly squealed, but Freed covered her mouth. Even I could see it. Mutant dragons were patrolling the play ground. My hunch was correct. Mato did have an ace up his striped sleeve. As expected, Mato appeared in the sky again.

"Oh, I forgot! Mutant Dragon soldiers have been dropped at random positions in the field. Each group of them has a tracking device, to track the guild they have been set. Now, their devices aren't accurate, but if you stay in one place too long, they WILL find you. And believe me, their tougher than you think."

With that, he disappeared again, leaving us with a smirk on his face. Kastile worriedly tapped my shoulder.

"What did he say about staying in one place too long?"

Damn it!

"Everyone jump!" I screamed. We all jumped in the air, narrowly avoiding the Mutant dragons fire burst.

That was close!

"Ok guys. Number one priority, we destroy the Mutant dragons."

They all looked at me, amazed.

"Lucy, but isn't the thing we should be focusing on is finding the keys?"

"Believe me when I say that every time a twist is pulled from the hat, the winning card is always next."

"So your staying..."

I nodded. They all shook their heads in agreement. "Right!" They said in unison. There are three dragons, so we should be able to take one. To my surprise Freed ran straight at them. I was going to run after him, but Conah stopped me, a smile on his face.

Guess it's time for me to see Freed's Magic first.

He skidded to a stop, his hood sliding down, revealing his musky brown hair and darkened emerald eyes. He had caught the Dragons attention.

"Forbidden Art : Holy Judgement!"

To my surprise, I watched as the ground began to shake, next thing I knew, a large burst of white energy erupted from the ground, frying the dragons on the spot. As the burst died down, Freed pulled back up his hood, nothing left of the dragons except a large black spot on the ground.

As he walked up to me, I couldn't help but smile. "So that's your forte now. Forbidden Holy Magic. Actually, containing the most deadly God spells known to Wizards. I can't help but be impressed. Zeref must've done a huge number on you to get that level of power."

"Your saying that now, but wait till you see the others abilities. They have power much stronger than mine." he said, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Freed, all your power is strong in its own way."

We were interrupted with a group of low cackles, a guild. We all turned behind us, only to find a group of unknown wizards walking towards us.

"Who are you?" I called out, their laughter stopping. The tallest one stepped out, I'm guessing he was the leader. "Who are we? Don't you remember. Twilight Ogres. Tortured FairyTail a while back. You, blonde one, was the weakest of the bunch."

I smirked. "Weakest, eh?"

"WSM : Spell 54, Curse"

Without a seconds resistance, I watched them all fall to the ground. My group looked at me, amazement yet fear written in their eyes.

"Lucy, what did you do to them?" Luna asked, staring at the fallen group before us.

"Wizard Slaying Magic, Spell 54, Curse is one of the weaker spells, since I have learnt 60 of them. It keeps their Magic energy at its lowest for a long period of time. Hence the name, Curse."

I watched them nod. I saw a glowing light fall from the sky, none other than a key.

"As I expected. To get a key, you have to destroy the Mutant Dragons attacking you and defeat a guild."

Milli ran and grabbed the floating key. "Guess we go off to the castle gates."

~TimeSkip 5 minutes~

Milli handed Mato the key, as he inspected it carefully. Then, he spoke up.

"Lucy Heartfilia, Milli Theft, Luna Moon, Conah Step, Freed Meth, and Kastile, seems you have passed the Preliminary and are through to the Officail games in.....first place!"

The group jumped up and down, their excitement getting the better off them.

"You may return to your inn. Be ready for the games tomorrow!"

Out of the blue, we were transported back to the doors of our inn, Blue Moon.

"We did it guys, we passed!" Luna shouted, fist pumping the air. "Remember guys, this is only the beginning...."


Hi Guys!
Im really excited for the next few chapters!

Let the Grand Magic Games....Begin!

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