Chapter TwentySeven - They ARE Arriving

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Lucy POV

Luna walked up from the steps, the final specks of her mark disappearing from her forehead. She skipped toward me, a deep smile printed on her face.

"What do you think Luce?" She asked, expecting a praising answer, which I gave into.

"It's an amazing power. And made especially for you? You sure do control luck. Gave one of the toughest people I know a beat down!"

We all laughed, waiting for the next battle to start. But it didn't. After a few minutes, the disturbed mumbling of the crowd fired up, everyone wondering what was holding up the next match.

My curious levels were raised as the reporter left his booth with the national guard on his heel. I turned to my team, gesturing them to follow.

"Come on guys. We need to check out what's going on."

They all nodded, following me to the exit. As we crossed the arena, the crowds wild cheers kicked into overdrive.

"Go on Celestial Origin! Check out what's going on!"

"I'm sure they'll figure out and fix why the next match hasn't started."

We walked through the exit and made our way through the arenas corridors. We soon came across a large reception room, were the Princess, her Guard, the King, the Ten Wizard Saints and all the highest names in the city were talking intently. I backed away from the window door, turning to look at my group.

"The biggest names are in there. I guess we should ask what's holding up the games."

They all nodded before we all walked in, the group staring towards us. Jura stood up, blocking the view to everyone and looking sternly at us.

"What are you guys doing here? Return to the arena at once."

I stood stuck on the spot, while the others shifted back slightly.

"I'm not going anywhere till you tell me why the Games are being held back."

"I'm afraid that...." he started, but a familiar voice called out.

"Let them in Jura. If anything, their the ones we need for the problem."

Jura dropped his head, eyes closed. He nodded, letting us all pass. We curiously walked in, large chairs set in the room while the highest of nobles and the others sat staring at us.

There was a huge tv on the wall, it's screen black.


The king pressed the remote, the TV coming to life. We all glared in horror as a picture of a dragon head appeared, its scales red and its eyes glowing a deep Crimson. It couldn't be....

"Wizards of Fiore, I am sub-ruler of the dragons. I send you this message to say, you will all die, 22nd of July. We are coming, all of us. You better have enough forces to stop us, because you WILL need them. The Era of Dragons will return again!"

We all watched as the screen lit up in flames, the video ending. The king reached the remote and turned it off, breathing heavily.

"Your Majesty, what that said on the screen, is impossible......right?" Milli exclaimed, standing from her seat in a panic.

"No Milli Theft. We know for sure, the dragons are coming back."

I spoke up. "That's not true you majesty. The Eclipse project was dealt with a year ago. No other dragon was seen again after that. You said yourself. Wizards from countries have been searching for dragons, but none were found. Where would they return from?!"

"I can't answer that Miss Heartfilia. But I can assure you, everything that dragon just said, was true."

I took deep breaths, my fear levels rising.

"Ok, when are they arriving.When is the 22nd?"

I saw the nobles worry as they all shifted in their chairs, sweat dripping down their foreheads.




Ps. Sword art Advanced is out. CHECK OUT THE BOOK!!!!

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