Chapter Five : Back At FairyTail...

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Wendy POV

I wandered with Carla back to the guild, Happy floating at arms length.

"Wendy.." Happy started, holding back the tears.

"Yes, Happy?" I responded, the blue cat landing in my arms.

"Is Lucy ever coming back? Like ever?" He said, his babish sniffling interrupting here and there in his sentence.

"She promised, didn't she? Lucy WILL come back, but even stronger." I said, comforting him. He nodded, wiping the tiny tears from his fur.

"You're right Wendy." he replied, gliding out of my arms and smiling lightly. I looked down at Carla, who nodded at me kindly.

But, beneath my positive attitude, I wasn't sure if Lucy would come back at all. I knew though, I needed to stay strong for her.

Before we knew it, we were standing in front of the guild doors, the members chatter loud and somehow welcoming. But I knew what hid behind these doors. Lying, careless fools.

Carla grabbed my leg, stopping me in my tracks.

"Whatever your about to do Wendy, isn't a good idea!"

"I don't care Carla! Natsu needs to be taught a lesson. Dragon slayer to dragon slayer!"

I walked in, my fists clenched into balls. I shouted out, catching everyones attention.

"Natsu!!!" I screamed, watching as Natsu broke from his chat with Lisanna and walked up to me, his grin wiped onto his face.

"What's up Wendy?" He asked kindly. Surprising him and everyone else, as he got into arms reach, I sent a brawling fist into his face, knocking him off his feet. As he tumbled, I sucked the air around me, charging for an attack.

"Sky Dragon.....Roar!"

Violent winds was released into the room, tables and chair being flung to the back of the hall, and more importantly, Natsu. Lisanna shouted out to him, afterwards sending a disappointed stare at me. As it died down, Lisanna was the first to make a move against me.

"Animal Takeover...Cheetah!"

Lissana transformed into a female half human, half cheetah monster, running at me at fast speeds. I ducked, extending one leg to the side so I could as low as I could, arms out to the side. I swiped my leg across the floor, sending Lisanna to the floor. She isn't the only one who's improved. Before she could land on the ground, I flung myself towards Natsu going under her.

As I was about to land a painful punch, Gray, Erza, Elfman and Mira got hold of me, my fist inches from Natsu's already blooded face.

"Wendy! What the hells wrong with you?" Gray exclaimed, tugging on my arm, as I strained to send my fist into Natsu's head.

"Let Go! Sky Dragon Secret Art, Shattering Light, Sky Drill!"

The air around us erupted, getting everyone holding me and Natsu in the cross-fire. I jumped back, breathing heavily. Unexpected, I felt strong hands grip mine, pinning them behind me. Next thing I knew, large surges of electricity sent me on my knees, small squeals escaping from my lips. No wizard other than Laxus. As the air cleared, battered up and bruised FairyTail members looked at me, mixed emotions flooding the oxygen.

"Listen here Wendy. Masters off on a long expedition with the ten wizard saints, so he won't be back till the GMG. He left me in charge, so don't even think about messin' round. Got it?!"

I have small quick nods, tears falling down my cheeks. "Alright Laxus. You gave the girl enough of a beating" Mira said, swiping off the dust from her clothing. Laxus roughly let go of me, dropping me on all fours. Carla ran up to me, along with Happy.

"Dear child, what where you thinking?"

I ignored Carla and shouted out "Don't any of you remember Lucy? Anyone feel sorry for her?!"

Everyone turned back to me, Natsu rolling his neck and arms. He looked...fine. He was bleeding a moment ago.

"Listen Wendy, she's weak, and not coming back. Let it go."

I clenched my fist, but Pantherlily's paw resting on my hand. "Save it for the games Wendy. Now's not the right time"

Damn all of you. All of you. Once Lucy comes back, I'm coming with her and her only....


Natsu : You did what I wanted, but I LOST!

Me : You technically did, but you didn't have a scratch on you after, so calm down.

Natsu : what does 'technically' mean?

Me : Basically another word for logically

Natsu : What does ' logically ' mean?

Me : another word for like 'according to theory'

Natsu : what does acc...

Me : Shut up!!

Lisanna : Stop being mean to my red head. Also, why did I lose to Wendy?!

Me : CUZZZZZZZ your a bitch.

Lisanna : Take that back or I hurt you

Me : Take THAT back or you die in the next chapter.

Lisanna : I take it back !!

Me : Since we started anew, say the disclaimer!

Lisanna : Never!

Me : *starts writing chapter*

Lisanna : OK OK! FairyTailGlitter doesn't own FairyTail. H I R O M A S H I M A does!

Me *presses delete*

Lisanna : thank you! *Walks off with Natsu into guild hall*

Me : * Evil cackle *
*starts writing chapter*

Me : Your going down Lisanna!!!

(Not really. Sorry all you Lisanna haters! The feels)

oH. Don't forget to vote and comment! ;)

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