Chapter ThirtyFour - End Of The Invasion

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Acnologia descended from the sky, the other dragons retreating behind him. They thought they had won. Natsu put his palm on my shoulder, looking at me kindly.

"We got this Luce. You just sit back and watch." he said, cracking his knuckles. The other dragon slayers and the rest of my guild stood in front, eyes filled with cold determination.

With the monsters final roar, they all ran quickly toward it, starting to combine magic.

This is an interesting combination indeed....
Milli POV

We all dashed toward the dragon, it's black eyes staring at us all. I called out to Conah, who was in front of us. The beasts magic charged up, ready to release a neon blast.

"Conah! You need to stop that blast!" I shouted, skipping from rooftop to rooftop, slowly getting closer to the king himself.

After his strong nod, an enormous blast of black energy escaped Acnologia's mouth, aiming to obliterate the entire city. I watched as Conah ran into the blast, jumping through its energy. A second after, his loud shout ringed around the area.

"NEON BLASTS, ARE POWERLESS!!" He screamed, soon after, the blast coming towards us, its power the same as a calm breeze. While the dragon was still occupied trying to deny Conah's spell, I called out to the Dragon slayers, who all gave me stern faces. I then turned to Luna, who's forehead was already marked. She smiled at me, she knew what she had to do.

With that said, they all carried out their formations.

"Fire dragon....."

"Iron Dragon....."

"Sky Dragon...."

"Lighting Dragon....."

"Shadow Dragon...."

"Holy Dragon...."

I turned, to see all the dragon slayers pulling their heads back. This is going to be a big attack....


Different coloured blasts approached Acnologia, who was too busy to defend himself. As expected, Luna jumped a few hundred meters in front of the attack, her mark glowing.


As the blast went around her, the magic turned into a mash up of magic energy so dense, you could feel it from here. As the blast was still moving, Conah went under it, putting one finger into the magic.


The blast became even larger, half the size of Acnologia. We all want this blast to be the strongest it can. I finally dived below it as well, creating a magic device from the rubble.

"Transform, Magic Amplifier!"

As the blast went through the machine, it finally reached the size of Acnologia, maybe even bigger. I smirked as it was moments away from impact.


The blast hit head on, the dragon screaming with pain and agony, but I knew better than that. It needed one final hit. I turned to the slayers, who all looked exhausted. I turned to Lucy, who gave me a nod.

It's up to you Luce.

Lucy POV

Milli turned to me, which I gave a strong nod in return. Guess it was time for the finishing blow. I ran at lighting speeds, zooming past the slayers that only dust was left waving in the air. At the right moment, I jumped the right height to come eye to eye with the beast.

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