TwentyTwo : The First

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A/N I will be skipping the unnecessary fights in the GMG. I will probably only write down two battles. And, the multimedia pic guys. Admit it. Let's continue!

Lucy POV

We all walked out the arena, the first day of the games done. As we left in the direction of our inn, my fellow teammates ran up to me.

"I didn't think the games could be this much fun!" Milli busted out, stretching her arms.

"But did you see that fight between Jura and Jenny? I knew he was a wizard saint, but I never imagined him to be that powerful!" Conah said, amusement over clouding him. Luna jumped on his back, knuckling his head.

"No way! The battle between that Arãna Webb and Bracchus was one of a kind. Girl power prevails once again!" She replied, slapping his back as he walked on. I stopped in my tracks, leaving everyone to look back at me.

"Hey. Aren't you coming?" Kastile asked, beckoning me over. I shook my head, lifting a small smile.

"Nah. I'm off to the market to get a snack for all of us. I feel like getting a bit fresh air anyway!"

He nodded, pulling Luna off an extremely annoyed Conah.

"I'll see you at the inn then. Don't come back too late!" I watched as they all walked back, chatting casually. I turned around and headed for the local market, searching for something sweet to eat.

I wondered around, each stall decorated with delicious fruits and sweets. But a certain stall caught my attention. Star fruit. Rare yet sweet delicacy.

"How much for six?" I asked, pointing at the fruits laid on the table. The old man looked up at me, his eyes kind.

"Well, since they are rare, about 1000 joul for all six."

I nodded, a fair price.

Money Bag!

I put one hand behind my back, a medium sized pouch appearing in my palm. I put it on the table, watching as two large notes floated out, landing in the desk. I put the fruits in my paper bag, his eyes full of awe and surprise.

"2000 joul? My my dear, I only asked for 1000." he said modestly, lifting up one of the notes for me to take. I shook my hands, the mans arms landing back on the table.

"No. Take it. Im sure your family needs it." I walked away, swinging he back back and forth.

"Thank you miss!" He shouted, the note still gripped in his hands. As I walked back to the inn, a familiar voice grabbed my attention.

"Lucy?" I turned, only to find Erza holding a paper bag. I smiled at her. Surprising.

"Lucy? Are you smiling at me?" She asked, catching up. I giggled at her, she's completely in the dark.

"Erza, after what you did in the battle today, I couldn't hate you anymore. I was laughing so hard!"

I hugged her tightly, arms around her neck.

"You have earned my forgiveness Erza. You are first." I whispered quietly in her ear, after breaking the hug and walking away without another weird .

The first one I forgave. She passed. She earned it too...

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