TwentySix : Luna vs Gajeel

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Luna POV

"I've always wanted to do this prawn!" He shouted, his hand turning into a iron rod.

"Iron Dragons Club!"

His metal arm extended rapidly towards my head, it's speed fast.


I jumped with ease, landing on the rod without problem. I twirled on my toes, slowly walking across it, towards his body, which was shaking heavily. I then heard Natsu's shout.

"What's wrong with you Gajeel?! Throw her off!" He screamed, desperation in his voice.

"Shut up Salamander! I can't!" He called back, worry in the air. I kept on walking, nothing but a smirk on my face. I squinted downward, shoving my face into Gajeels.

"I guess your out off.....luck." I did a large backflip off his arm, and as I landed, a large explosion going off from the ground, his bellowing cries loud.

" was there a bomb there?!" The reporter said, leaning toward the arena will anticipation.

I watched as Gajeel lifted himself from the rubble, wiping his bottom lip.

"Prawn's stronger than she looks. But, what where you saying about luck?"

He once again ran at me, this time his hands shapes into hammerheads. Close Combat, and I liked it.

He swung and swung his hands, but I managed to dodge every attack he threw at me. Suddenly, I watched in worry as his hammer was about to land dead middle of my forehead.

I was hoping to keep my power a big secret....

"I got you now!!!!" He screamed, his hammer moments away from hitting dead middle.


I watched as his hand suddenly swung by my face, only grazing my cheek. Close call. I saw his surprise.

"H-How did you...." he jumped back, noticing something I've been meaning to show for a while now. I felt it. I felt a decorative purple head tattoo forming on my forehead. The power of Jinx had finally been unleashed. I could then feel my comrades talking.

"Ok. Explain you guys. What power does Luna possess?" Lucy asked.

"Well...." Kastile started.

"Luna has the Secret Art of Jinx Magic." Milla continued, pushing aside Kastile.

"Jinx Magic? Never heard of it." She replied, hands firmly on her hips.

"That's because Zeref made it especially for her. A new secret art that has been created by him. He said she has the potential and strength to sustain and master it without fault." Kastile replied, eyes glued on his friend.

"Ok, what does it do?"

"Well, let's just say it controls Luck. The caster can create and destroy her opponents luck as she wishes. The only price, the mark on her forehead. And believe me, the way she got that mark, was pain even worse than Third Origin." Freed said, stepping in.

All I could do was smile. Dear Lucy knows my power. Better set a good demonstration.

I felt my mark glow as Gajeel again ran at me. Stupid fool.


I watched as he tripped over his own feet, falling face down. But I wasn't going to stop now.


I smiled as two purple daggers lay beside my feet, I picked them up, holding them tightly in a ready stance.

"Guess my lucks up a notch!"

I ran at him, slicing off his head band swiftly and landing a powerful punch to his chest, his body flying into the arena wall.

I dropped the daggers, their loud clattering awakening the half conscious dragon slayer.


I watched as he started punching himself with his magic, each club larger and more powerful than the last. All I could do was watch.

"Gajeel, if you wanted to give up, all you had to do was withdraw. Not to commit self harm." I said jokingly, my mark still shining brightly.

"Do you want me to end it?" I asked him, his final blow coming to near.


As expected, he threw himself into the wall, knocking himself out for good. Without a single mark of dirt on me, the winning bell rang, the crowd cheering wildly.

"Luna, is a lucky star indeed folks! Not to mention a little underdressed...."

I smirked and walked back towards my balcony, feeling my tattoo on my forehead disappearing slowly.

After all, everyone needs a little luck.....


After a long hard decision, I have decided I will make a Sword Art Online or an Attack on Titan fanfic. I have already made five chapters of each drafted.

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