Chapter Nineteen : Battles Part One

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Lucy POV

I watched proudly as an unscratched Kastile approached us, his face lit up with a smile. As he came up the balcony, we all congratulated him.

"Are you doubting Zeref's skills now?" I said mockingly.

"We're sorry Lucy. Honestly. We shouldn't have doubted you." Conah replied, true apology in his eyes. I shook my head, letting it go.

"No worries. I would've done the same thing. Anyway, Kastile, that's some magic circle firepower you got there!"

"You can thank Zeref for that!" He said, being too modest, as always.

"You should've seen him at the start, could barely control his magic energy without blowing something up!" Luna joked, releasing a small giggle. Kastile sent her joking death glare, which made me burst.

We were interrupted by the loud ping of the overall score board.

1st Celestial Origin - 20pts
2nd SaberTooth - 14pts
2nd FairyTale - 14pts
4th Mermaid Heel - 9pts
5th Lamia Scale - 7pts
6th Red Ore - 5pts
7th Blue Pegasus - 4pts
8th Quatro Cerberus - 2pts

"We're in the lead!" Milli said, arms resting on the balconies edge.

"Let's stay that way." I replied sternly, watching as the screen disappeared.

"After an adrenalin pumping game, lets get on with the battles-kabo" Mato said, running round the arena excitedly.

"Let's begin!

First up :

Lucy Heartfilia of Celestial Origin!"

I quietly made my way to the arena, not saying a word.

"Opposed by Christopher Triton of Red Ore!"

A boy with dark black hair and a cocky smile approached me, his aura already telling me he has a magic ability similar to the Dark Arts.

"Alright then-kabo! Let's get this match started! You have thirty minutes to defeat your opponent. Begin!"

I watched and waited as Christopher ran towards me, his hands engulfed in some form of black magic. I dodged each blow with ease, having to block every now and then. He sent a fast kick towards my hip, luckily for me I grabbed it and spun it around, letting him land painfully on the ground.

I jumped a few meters back, letting him recover. He wiped his bottom lip, eyes filled with gentle fury. I stood emotionless, the tension from my group soaring over to me. They were that curious about my ability?

Well, better give them a good show.....


Makarov : Hello there children! The writer seems to be a little stuck here. She sent me to say that she doesn't exactly know what to ability Lucy should use. What do you think? Comment to vote :) highest will be chosen for Lucy To Use In The Battle. You have till tomorrow. Goodbye children!






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