Chapter Thirteen : Start Of A New Guild

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~TimeSkip 3 Weeks~

"Open, gate of the Twin Dimension, Zenia!"

The usual purple portal opened, the swirling clockwise. I've been currently trying to get us a spot at the Officail Guilds, and luckily, they accepted us. One problem. They need to see the guild members and the payment of 200,000 joul. The payment is done, but the see the problem.

Here goes nothing....

As I stepped through the gate, what I saw amazed me. Luna and Milli were mediating in mid air, spinning around slowly, a magic circle beneath them. The boys.....another story. Conah, Kastile and Freed were having a three versus fight. Every man for himself. Their moves were swift and every step wasn't wasted. They all improved in 3 weeks, that amazed me.

They learnt faster than I could. Suddenly, Zeref appeared, sending chills down my spine.
"Like what you see?" He asked, letting me stare at my former friends.

"I love what I see!" I shouted out, getting all their attention. Luna and Milli slowly levitated to the ground, while the boys stopped brawling, rolling their necks and arms. And not to mention, their appearance.

"I feel SOO much stronger. All thanks to Zeref here." Luna said, stretching her arms.

I turned to the dark sage, thank written all over me. "I hope they have been treating you well?.."

"The first days were....hard, but they improved a lot."

Kastile walked up to me, his eyes challenging. "I challenge you to a fight Lucy." he says sternly. The others widened their eyes, while Zeref looked like he was going to burst out laughing.

"I don't think you want to...." Milli started, feeling my magic strength seep through.

"No. I accept." I replied, a smirk planted on my face.

"Alright the let's star...." Kastile started, but he was slammed into the ground by Spell 23, Wizard Slaying Magic (A/N I'm going to call it WSM now), Gravity Pull. He was knocked out cold.

Zeref awoke him by tapping his shoulder, but he could still feel the pain. Luna giggled. "Don't want to be challenging her in the future, do you now?" She said jokingly. I watched them all laugh, as Zeref was holding his in. He looked like he was about to burst actually. I took my chance.

I ran up to him and tickled his sides. To my surprise, he looked down at me, unimpressed.
"You ruined the moment." He said, his face straight. I backed up, crossing my arms.

"Sore-ree" I said, pouting my bottom lip. Conah walked up to me and patted my shoulder. "Tough Love Lucy, Tough Love" I slapped his back when he walked past, causing him to quietly giggle.

Milli ran to me, giving me a warm hug. "Are we leaving. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it here and Zeref's a big help, but I miss Fiore."

"Yes. But, I want to see your magic!"

"Sorry Luce, but your going to have to wait for the games."

I crossed my arms again "Spoil Sports!" I said quietly, causing them all to giggle.

See FairyTail? This is what friendship is supposed to be!



After the training (clothing only)

1 - Milli Theft
2 - Freed Meth
3 - Luna Moon
4 - Kastile (not including wand)
5 - Conah Step (clothing only)

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