Chapter Two : The News

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I awoke in my apartment, bandages neatly wrapped around my stomach and forehead. I slowly sat up, the pain reoccurring around my body. I turned, to see a pink rose with my celestial key case sitting on my bedside.

I reached for my case and hugged it tightly.

Thank God it's still here!

I then lunged out for the rose, giving it a quick sniff. Seems it's time for me to return to the guild hall. I pulled up my boots and clicked on my case, holding the rose between my fingers.

~TimeSkip, 10 mins~

I stood outside the guilds shut doors, the usual noisy chatter of the members heard, even from out here. I put a heartfelt smile on my face before pushing apart the entrance, finding everyone in their usual spot. To my surprise, everyone stopped their conversations and stared at me, the hall dead quiet.

I walked in, the silent look from Erza, the pity stare from Wendy and the worst, the uneasy glare from Natsu. Mixed in with everyone else's, this place seemed like a cursed wonderland, without the cheery bit.

I sat down at the bar, watching as the once kind Mira smile had become a disappointed scowl. Before I could order, she violently slammed the strawberry shake into the serving table, quickly walking away from me, polishing a glass.

The hall still dead silent, I took a quick sip from the shake, its usual, tempting taste gone to a horrible mix. I had to hold myself from spitting it all out. I took baby swallows, the unwelcoming taste leaving its specks behind on my tongue.

After my disgusting snack, I heard the hesitant footsteps creaking on the floor board. I turned around Natsu, Erza, Gray and the Exceeds standing before me, all of their faces covered with disgust, anger and scariest of all, pity.

"Hi guys. Mira's shake tastes a Don't you think?" I started, trying not to show the nervousness lingering in my voice. I watched in horror as Erza extended her long sword to my throat, aiming to slice it off with one swift blow.

"Are you disrespecting Mirajane's talent for cooking?" She said, her sword still pointing straight in the middle. I shook my head quickly, staring at the blades sharp edge.

Finally, Natsu spoke up. "Lucy, we decided...." He started, but his sentence was interrupted when a shadow formed from outside. Everyone's eyes lit up as Lisanna walking in from outside, her usual blue dress and short hair still where it was.

I blew a sigh of relief as everyone ran toward her, seems she returned from her S-class quest. Yes, S class. Her animal take over has been upgraded massively, so she didn't have to go through the S-Class trials like everyone else. Amazing right.

Natsu again walked over to me, this time his arms wrapped around Lisanna, who's face was easily lit up. I looked up to him as he started again.

"As I was saying Luce, Team Natsu has decided that you will no longer be a part of this team. You will be replaced by Lissana. An S-Class wizard. Face it Lucy. She is stronger than you. Your celestial spirits can't hope to defeat her."

I stared at him in horror. "Your kidding right? Natsu.....think about what you are doing.."

He interrupted "I've made up my mind Lucy, your off."


I stood up, head hanging by my shoulders. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. I looked up at Natsu, eyes watering. "So, your saying I'm weak?"


"No help to your team at all?"

"Yes Lucy. Your no help to is at all. Bad excuse for a wizard if you ask me."

I felt my body boil to the breaking point. I clenched my fists, hair covering my eyes and tears fell to the floorboards.

"Take it back Natsu..." I said quietly.

"What?" He said, unable to hear me.

"I said TAKE IT BA...!" I started to shout, but a strong hand flung itself at my cheek, sending me diving towards the floor. More tears erupted, the swelling of my cheeks starting it show. I looked up, finding Lisanna with a red hand, standing in front of Natsu protectively. She's the one that slapped me. That hard?

Natsu crouched beside me, as I hid my silent tears. "We paid for this months rent. All you need
To do is pack your bags and leave your apartment. This is goodbye Lucy."

As he walked away, the guild resumed its once lively chatter, now the drama was over. I turned in front of me, finding the once beautiful pink rose drying up, its vibrant shade turning to a deathly brown.

I stood up, no member of the guild taking notice of me. Wiping away my tears, I stood on the guilds stage, anger flourishing through my veins.
"All of FairyTail! I have a quick message for you! I will be powerful! I will be strong! In fact, I'll be strongest one of all!" They all turned their attention to me alone. After a few seconds, the hall erupted with laughter, even Natsu, Erza, everyone was laughing at my statement.

To my surprise, Lissana stepped on stage, pushing her face into mine.

"Lucy, you wanna bet?"

The hall then echoed of Oo's as they promoted the fight. I felt my tears reappearing. Then, Lisanna grabbed the hand my FairyTail mark was on. Pain surged from that area, making me scream in pain. As she let go, I fell to the ground, sucked of magic energy. I looked at my hand, only to see my mark gone. I stared up at her, only finding her sweet smile spread across her face.

"I did you a favour Lucy. Your out the guild."

I shoved her out the way and ran out the guild doors, finally letting my sorrow through.

I was half way to my apartment, when Wendy and the exceeds shouted out to me. I turned around, Wendy breathing heavily from her running. She finally looked up at me, her eyes watering.

"I don't want you to go Lucy! Please stay!"
She said, her exceed friends nodding in agreement. Happy, covered in tears, flew up to me at top speeds, landing on my chest.

"Luceeee" he shouted, hugging me tightly. Pantherlily and Carla jumped into the hug too, not letting go. After, I put them down and pulled Wendy into a hug, thankful that at least one person wanted me to stay. Well, four people.

"Thank you guys. But I have to go! I'll train. I'll do whatever it takes to be the strongest. I'll only come back for you guys. No one else."

"Promise me Lucy. Promise me you'll be here for the Grand Magic Games, even if you don't enter. Even if you don't join our guild!"

I nodded, giving Wendy one last hug.

Goodbye FairyTail, but beware my Revenge.
I'll become stronger than them ALL!


Me: nice going Natsu!
She's so gonna kick your ass in the future!

Natsu : As if! You know she's weak! She won't be able to touch this!

Me: We'll see about that! Well, Please do the disclaimer, Natsu.

Natsu : FairyTailGlitter doesn't own FairyTail
H I R O M A S H I M A does!

Strongest Of Them All (FairyTail Fanfic) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now