41. The Wizengamot Session - 3

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The Wizengamot Session starts. Amelia brings up the topic of Voldemort.


There was another uproar that erupted. It was mostly from the death eater lords. But that too was quietened with loud bangs from Amelia's, Dumbledore's and Fudge's wands. "Lord Potter, Lady Boldon if you could share your memories to the Head Unspeakable Mr. Wilbert Croaker." Said Amelia. Both nodded and stood up. Unspeakable Croaker extracted all the necessary memories and tested it with spells that detected for tampering after putting the silvery strands into two separate flasks. "It hasn't been tampered with, Madam Bones." He said when the flask glowed green (Green = Not Tampered With; Red = Tampered With).

The memories were then played and they were shocked to see what happened at the end of their first year and their second year. They were even more shocked to see that it was Malfoy who had planted the diary in Arthur's daughter's cauldron. Many understood why the Head of the DMLE hadn't mentioned Malfoy's name as she needed to show the proof in the right way.

"As the Minister for Magic, I order the Aurors present in this room to arrest Lucius Malfoy this instant. We will have a trial right here, immediately." Ordered Cornelius Fudge. The Aurors in the room caught hold of the blonde-haired lord and sat him in the convict's chair that had been conjured by Dumbledore. "Administer the Veritaserum." Ordered Amelia. They waited for the prescribed minute before Amelia started questioning him.

"State your Full Name."

"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy"

"Are you a death eater?"


"How did you escape prison?"

"I escaped prison by stating that I was under the Imperious Curse."

"Are there any other of your death eater companions who have escaped in the same way you did?"


"Who are they?"

"Corban Yaxley, Crabbe Sr., Goyle Sr., Gibbon, Jugson, Thorfinn Rowle, Walden MacNair, Nott Sr., Travers, and as far as I know, Barty Crouch Jr. is very much alive like any of us here and has been broken out of prison about two months after he had been imprisoned for life."

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