48. Change in Electives

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Sirius gives out the changes that occurs in the House of Black.


Harry talked Ron into about changing his electives from Divination to Ancient Runes or Arithmancy or both. When asked why, he told that the subject is useless unless you had the gift of being a seer and he couldn't bear to hear his best mate telling that Trelawney was predicting his death until he finishes the subject's OWL. Ron laughed at this and agreed to change his elective from divination to Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. He also added the reason that himself, Hermione and Harry could be together as in the other classes.

When they told Remus and Sirius about this, they agreed to tutor the two boys in the subjects. Remus for Arithmancy and Sirius for Runes. They went to Flourish and Blotts and got the third- and fourth-year material for both the subjects and started the classes that day itself. They finished the school material quite quickly and were waiting for McGonagall to come in as they wanted to tell her about this.

Minerva came in and their class went on as usual. After the class, Harry and Ron cornered her and told her about them wanting to change their electives from Divination to Runes and Arithmancy. Sirius and Remus too popped in and gave them the files in which they had stored the boys' assignments and informed her that they were already half way through the fourth-year material.

She took the files and spoke "It's good that you two are quitting the subject. The Hogwarts Board of Governors are holding the usual annual meeting in two days to review the subjects amongst other discussions. I think we'll be removing and adding a few subjects." She said. "I'll talk to the Runes Professor Bathsheba Babbling and the Arithmancy Professor Septima Vector about you changing your electives to their subjects and bring the year end exam papers for you both to write."

The four of them nodded. "Mr. Potter, if you don't mind, could I talk to you alone?" she asked. "Sure Professor." He said and went with her to the room in which they usually trained. Thankfully, it was empty. But McGonagall erected a privacy ward and spoke "Mr. Potter, firstly I want to apologize for allowing Dumbledore to let you stay with those muggle relatives. I was horrified when Albus told me how they treated you for all these years."

Harry was a bit surprised when she apologised. But he masked the reaction and gave her a small smile. "It's okay professor. None of you knew how they were going to treat me." He said. The teacher smiled at this and continued "You might not know about this, The House of Potter, The House of Boldon, The House of Romanov, The House of Lupin and House of Black have a seat each in the Hogwarts Board of Governors. You and your sister might want to join the meeting in two days."

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