{1} Tamaki Amajiki x Trans! Male Reader "Always Be Here To Love You."

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Note: Reader hasn't had bottom of top surgery yet

Quirk: Emotion control/Energy Drain, the user can control anyone's emotions from one person or a whole group of people just by being there. He usually calms people down and drains them of their energy until they knock out.


I'm currently in my third year and I decided to go to the store, I really had no reason to I just needed some time out of the dorms. I entered a large shop and there seemed to be some sort of event, it was decorated in different colors and the store looked really nice. As I'm so distracted from how pretty the shop looks I bump into an old classmate of mine.

"(Y/N)?" I look up and see Luis (a random name just change it if you want) from my science class last year. "Luis? Oh hey!" I exclaimed excited to see him again. We had some sort of a complicated relationship where we would flirt with each other, help each other out, and honestly, we're really great friends. I ended up having a big crush on him but I never could get the courage to ask him out, plus he was straight and whatnot so there was that factor.

"H-Hey. I'm glad I ran into you. Actually..." He puts his hand behind his neck, "I never had the chance to ask before, and I told myself I would ask you when I saw you again, but I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" He asked me, I felt butterflies in my stomach but hurt at the same time. I wanted to get one thing straight with him before I answered yes.

"Uhm actually I'm a guy, well I'm transgender to be clear. I still have woman body—."

He interrupts me and starts backing up, "O-Oh." He then starts to walk away. I was going to chase him but I didn't, I felt too heartbroken to do much. I just allowed him to walk away from me. I felt like crying and so I left the store and walked back to my dorm as I was walking back and I bumped into a shorter person. 'What is up with me and bumping into people today?' I curse myself I then look at the person who fell and see it's a tired Tamaki. I get a little worried and hold out my hand to pick him up, "I'm so sorry are you okay?"

He looks up and sees me and says, "H-H-Hey (Y-Y-Y/N)." and takes my hand and I pull him up.

I smile at the smaller and naturally nervous male, "Hey Tamaki, are you okay? You had quite the fall." I ask him.

He only nods sheepishly, "I-I'm o-okay I promise."

I only nod then my heartbroken like state came back but I didn't want Tamaki to get worried for me so I decided it was best to leave, "Well...I'm just going back to my dorm." I give an awkward wave, "See you later then Tamaki." But before I could get far Tamaki called out to me.

"W-Wait!" I look back surprised that he yelled, "C-Can y-y-you t-t-take me t-to my d-d-dorm a-as w-well, I-I t-trained t-t-too hard s-so I-I c-c-can't w-walk v-v-very w-well." I only smiled and nodded, then in one quick swoop I pick him up and carried him bridal style.

Tamaki starts blushing madly, "W-w-what are you doing? (Y-Y/N) p-put me down, p-please it's embarrassing..." he whispers the last part as he puts his head on my chest as he relaxes a bit.

"It's okay just relax, just give me this okay?" I tell him and he just nods as he's probably too tired to fight back. I smile and take him to his dorm room now that he's resting in my arms.

I finally reach the 3-A dorm building and see Mirio and Nejire looking worriedly at each other then looking at the door. They finally see me holding a sleeping Tamaki and they run to us, "Is he okay?" Nejire asks.

"What happened to him?" Mirio asks me,

"He was training before we bumped into each other, he just needs to sleep right now." They both sigh in relief.

I smile and say to them, "I'm going to put him in his room."

They both nod and step away from me and I go up to the elevator, I then remembered that I didn't know which dorm Tamaki was in so I just went on my floor and laid him on my bed in my dorm room. I started to cry knowing that my crush rejected me all because of what I identified as.

I didn't want to be caught crying so I quickly walked to my bathroom and locked the door, I turned on the shower and started crying harder not being able to stop it. "I'm so stupid, why am I even crying over that douche bag!" I yell at myself furiously wiping away all my tears, I stripped myself of my clothes and jumped into the shower not caring if it was cold. I looked up at the showerhead still having my face stained with tears. I'm soon done crying and I wash my face from anything that people can tell I was crying. I then wipe away my worries just in case Mirio is in my room surprising me again, he's always had a nac for popping up out of nowhere. Even when I'm changing, I sweatdrop at the memory, that was the day he found out I was trans most people believe I was born a boy since I looked really masculine. I even fooled Sir Nighteye, he accidentally looked too far into my future as I was in a hospital after getting bottom surgery, that was an interesting conversation with my boss, well at least I was able to make him laugh.

I put a towel around my waist and walk out of the bathroom, I look and see my bed messed up then I remembered Tamaki was here. I look around and see that he's in the kitchen part of the dorm making food. I walk up silently behind him and activate my quirk just in case he gets scared and I wrap my arms around his waist, he jumps then immediately calms down. It's not like he had much of a choice to begin with, "Are you using your quirk?" He asks me.

I nod in the crook of his neck. "The food smells good." I mumble in his neck which causes Tamaki to chuckle. I let go of his waist, "I'm going to get change, feel free to take a shower here and put on my clothes." Tamaki nods his head and continues his cooking while I quickly change.

I came back and helped him occasionally with the food, he set two plates down and we started eating. It was really peaceful until he asked me a question, "Why were you crying in the shower?" I abruptly stopped eating and almost choked on my food, I took a drink of water to avoid that outcome. "I-," I then let out a cough, "I wasn't crying." He then looks at his food, "I know it's none of my business but I want to help you." I just sigh and tell him what happened at the store and why I was so upset about it. Tamaki then gets up from his chair and pulls his and my face closer and kisses me. I blush and then kiss back, something about this felt right.

He pulls away from the kiss and tells me, "(Y/N) if he can't set aside that one difference to be with you then he doesn't truly love you. I thought you were a guy this whole time, not transgender, well not that you aren't a guy now, it's just uh y-you know what I'm trying to say right?" I chuckle at his flustered state and nod my head, "Yeah, and you being transgender doesn't change my mind about how much I love you."

My heart beats faster and then he says, "I don't want to loose you to someone else, even if I have to wait a couple months for you to get over Luis I don't care just as long as your in my arms. So would you please be my boyfriend?" Tamaki soon realizes what he did and starts getting nervous. I smile and nod my head, "Yes, I will." I then grab his face to kiss him again. After this we start eating occasionally smiling when we catch each other starring.


"Oh my god it happened!" Mirio tells Nejire who was bouncing up and down in surprise and excitement.

"It finally happened! How did it happen?" Mirio tells Nejire everything who gasped and giggled at each detail that was shared. At the end Nejire says, "Let's throw a party!" So Nejire quickly sends out invitations to everyone and they quickly throw a party for the duo who was having a great time in (Y/N)'s dorm.

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