Chapter 7

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"Rose, I'm so sorry." Chris spoke with a trembling voice. "It's Okay Chris, I'm so happy you're fine." I hug him carefully. "Do you have any pain?" I ask him with a shaking voice.

"No, it just feels like I haven't slept for days."Chris told me honestly. "Chris I want you to be honest with me. Did you took xtc pills?" I question him seriously.

"No, you know I would never take drugs. The only thing that Enrico had given me was a glass of red wine." His voice unsure. "That fucking bastard! He putted something in the wine!" I yelled angrily. "I'm going to sue that little prick." My hands trembling from anger.

"Rose, let it be. We won't win this." He sighed, brushing a hand over my arm. "No Chris, your heart stopped you know that right? Me and Jason saved your life. You weren't breathing anymore." I say to him, uncontrolable tears streaming down my face.

"Rose, I'm Okay now. Don't cry please." Chris stroked my arm assuringly. "No, it's not fine. You have been drugged by Enrico." I tell him on a serious tone. "He was really a nice guy. I could never imagined he would do that to me." Chris shrugs.

"He's a fucking villain." I sigh, feeling drained about the whole affair. "Rose, you look awful and by the way who's Jason?" He said smugly. "He's an escort too. He helped me with a weird guy and he also helped me staving your life." I explain him shortly.

"WoW, that's sexy and weird at the same time. Is he handsome?" Chris chuckles. "I don't want to talk about him Chris. He's an escort too, so he's bad just like that Enrico guy." I explain him softly.

"Rose not everyone is bad. If he helped you and saved me, he must be a good person." Chris takes my hand in his, lightly brushing over it. "I can go home tommorow said the doctor." Chris informs me with a small smile. "That's great news Chris, I'll stay with you for a few days to keep a close eye on your health." I tell him.

"Rose, I'm a doctor. I know when something is wrong. And I want you to go home now and sleep a little." Chris ordered me gently. "I'm not tired." I glare at him.

"You're a terrible liar." Chris chuckles and I jawn instead. "Come on, go home, I need some rest as well." Chris orders me. "Okay, I'll see you in a couple of hours then." I hug him one last time before leaving the hospital.

When I arrived home, I jumped into bed. After a long time turning and tossing in bed I fall in a deep sleep.

I woke up feeling much better. I look outside to see it's getting dark. Damnit, I slept too long. Marching to my kitchen, I quickly make myself two sandwiches, because I'm starving. Then I made my way back to the hospital.

When entering Chris his room, I stopped dead in my tracks. "What are you doing here?" I glare at him. "I'm here to check up on your friend. Is that a crime Rose?" His tone seriously, but there appeared a small smirk on his face. Why does he have such a horrible demeanor, always testing my limits. It's almost like he's enjoying him torturing me.

"You're not welcome." I spoke angrily. "Rose, let him be. He was just checking up on me." Chris his voice interferes silently. "What? Are you going to favor him instead of me?" I glare at Chris. "No, I'm not. I just don't want you to argue at the moment okay. I'm to weak for a fight Rose. He didn't do anything wrong." Chris sighed.

"It's nice meeting you Chris and I'm grateful you're fine." Jason tells firmly, looking back at me with a confusion visible in his eyes. It's almost like he's trying to read my mind. "Bye Rose." He said once before leaving the room.

"What did he want from you?" I question Chris on a firm tone. "Nothing particular. He asked me about the drugs and I explained him everything. He also asked me if I would press charges to the escort company. At first I really wanted to, but he recommended not to do that, because the head of the company is a dangerous man. It was very weird the way he told me to stay quiet about everything." Chris explained with a frown on his face.

"How come? Did he threatened you?" I ask him unsure. "At first he was very authorative, he almost frightened me, but afterwards he asked me how I was feeling now and if you were okay. It was the weirdest encounter with someone I ever had." Chris told me honestly.

"Chris, this is so wrong. You could have been dead because of that man. Now he comes to the hospital to threaten you. I just can't let this go, it's wrong." I explain him with a trembling voice. "I know, but these people are very dangerous. We need to let this go, and you too." He informs me calmly.

"Maybe I need to go to the police? Yeah, I'm going to the cops. They will help us out for sure." I answer him determined. "Stop this Rose, no police, nothing can guarantee it would succeed. What if they'll come after me, or worse after you?!"

"But ..." I sigh. "Rose, stop, these men are very dangerous. They would kill me in a heartbeat." He sighed again. "I'm sorry, Okay, I'll let it go." I tell him with my arms crossed. "Thanks Rose, I'm going to close the practice for a week. Can you recall all the clients to say I'm sick for a week, so they can make an appointment for next week." Chris orders me softly.

"Yes, of course. I'll make all the arrangements. I'll go to the practice tomorrow morning, so I can call all the clients to delay their appointment." I explain Chris. "Thanks babe, I'm going to close my eyes for a few moments, because I'm tired."

"Okay, I'm going home now. I'll drive you home tomorrow. You don't need to worry about anything." I brush his hand to comfort him. "Thank you Rose, see you in the morning." Chris tells me with a small smile.

When I arrived home, I start searching on my laptop for some information about the escort company. I type escort company Chicago, and I immidiately find their website. I'm reading there regular information, scrolling up until something catches my interest. The names of all the escorts. Enrico Black is his full name wait Black I've heard that name before. I scroll down until my eyes find what I needed. I gasp in shock. Enrico is Jason's brother, their father is the head of the company. That's why he has treatened Chris to stay quiet about what had happened.

My heart starts to beat faster in my chest. They are fucking criminals. He's protecting his brother. He hadn't given me any clues whatsoever. He talked formal, almost distant about his brother at the party. It's so weird. I sigh, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

After a few minutes searching on Facebook, I found Enrico's page. Scrolling down on his page, I found a lot of pictures about him partying. Fucking asshole. If he wants to take drugs for his own I don't give a damn, but drugging my friend without his permission is a crime.

I'm going to confront that little coward. If he felt some remorse about what he did, he wouldn't have send his brother to do his dirty work. You don't fuck with my family. If Jason thinks I'm backing off then he's mistaken. I need answers from Enrico and I'll get them one way or another.

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