Chapter 36

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I wake up with a throbbing headache. I run my fingers over my forehead, trying to ease the tension. Nightmares kept tormenting me the whole night. When Jason woke me up last night, I almost jumped out of my skin. He was the last one I would find on my bed. I had a dream of Chris. It started so beautiful and peaceful until he got shot in front of me. Memories of his lifeless body kept haunting me in my sleep.

I've to admit Jason was so calm and toughtful when he tried to assure me it was just a dream, but it wasn't. Chris is dead and he's never coming back to me. I still feel guilty about his death, but I can't turn back time. It's a waste of my energy and time. Chris wanted me to carry on with my life like before, but it's hard, so fucking hard without my best friend. I hoped I would be stronger, more resilient against all the shit in my life.

I make myself a little more presentable into my bathroom before going down stairs. Karl was already cooking in the kitchen. "Good morning Karl." I greet him friendly. "Good morning sunshine. How did you sleep?" He asked me as cheerful as always. "Not so good. I had nightmares all night, but I'm fine tough." I assure him with a small smile before getting a seat.

"Are you sure?" He questioned me carefully. "I'm sure." I gave him a small smile. Afterwards we talked about my surprise dinner for tonight. Karl showed me all the ingredients and where I can find all the different wines and special drinks. Yes, I know what he will likes to drink and eat now.

The whole afternoon I cooked and cooked until I was satisfied. Karl helped me with the chocolate pie with strawberries because it was my first time I had made it. Karl assured me Jason will love everything. I've made ravioli with spinach with different spices. I'm feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Rose stick to the plan. You only need to seduce him so he knows he can't dominate you. I don't want to sleep with him, I just want him to surrender to me.

Surrender, right, this is all a joke. He'll never give me some control. He'll stay the same man he always is, a dominant, authorative man with a good heart. It's not my intention to change him. I think he's perfect just the way he is, but I don't know. Does he really care about me and what does that mean? I don't flirt or seduce men, it's not what defines me as a person. What is he going to think of me when he sees me? Maybe he thinks I look like a slut or something.

Hoping for the best and with a big sigh I made myself ready. This is absurd. I'm standing in front of my closet mirror, watching at my own reflection. Is this me? It was the first time I tried smokey eyes, and I must admit my blue eyes look bigger then usual. I looked bold and confident. Eitherway, Jason will be very pleased or very pissed with how I look.

I shrug at the thought and put on my black high heels as a finishing touch. That will be feminine enough. Suddenly a knock came from my door and I gave a little scream. Oh no, is he already home? Normally, I would have an hour to warm the food. Fuck, I hiss between my teeth.

I gently open the door and to my astonishment it was Karl who was standing in front of my room. "Rose, I'm going home now. Do you need my help with something else that we didn't finish?" He asked me with a bright smile.

"Thanks Karl, no I'm settling the table in a few minutes. You enjoy your evening." I assure him. "You look outstanding dear. Never doubt your own beauty." He winks at me before marching out of the hallway. I swallow hard. This is it. This was what I wanted and now I'm chickening out and doubting myself. The truth is I'm afraid of how he sees me. Will he see the real me through the makeup. Maybe he's going to think I'm a desperate woman.

Fuck, this is wrong. I quickly make my way back to the bathroom. These smokey eyes are too much. Before I could wipe away the makeup from my eyes a knock sounds again. Probably its Karl who forgot something to tell me. I quickly make my way to the door and swinged it open to reveal a handsome Jason standing in my doorway.

"Hi, uhu, you're early." I stammer. His mouth is slightly open. His piercing blue eyes making me weak. After a few seconds he finally stops the silence. "You look stunning." He tells me on a serious tone. "Thank you. I thought it was a little too much after I was finished." I say unsure. "You're perfect Rose with or without the makeup." He tells me with a small grin.

I feel my cheeks flush under the pressure. WoW, he's complimenting me. I didn't see that coming for sure. I thought he would hate my efforts. "So, what's the plan now?" He smiles warmly at me. Did I hear excitement through his voice? "Follow me." I grin at him while locking my door and walking in front of him to the kitchen.

The whole time I felt his eyes on my ass, and it somehow turned me on. When we entered the kitchen it was already taken care off. Two plates and cutlery was already placed neatly on the dining table. Different beverages standing in a bucket with ice ready to serve. Karl that helpful bastard. He's to good for this world.

I walk behind the stove to warm up the risotto. "I hope you're hungry because I've made food for four people." I inform him while warming up the food. "I'm very hungry." He grins at me. He eyes me like I'm going to be his meal tonight. I quickly avert my eyes from his penetrating gaze. This is going to be a hard night when he's going to flirt with me all night.

After ten minutes, we were seated at the table, enjoying our meal. "This is so good Rose. It's better then Karl's risotto." He tells me on an honest tone. "You're flattering me." I giggle. "It's the truth. You're a smart, handy and beautiful woman. Every man should be lucky with you as their girlfriend." He tells on a serious tone, but with the last part his demeanor changed a little and I don't know why.

The rest of the meal went on in silence. I don't know what I did wrong, but this isn't nice. I became nervous and agitated at the same time. In the pit of my stomach nerves began to play. "Did I do something wrong because I thought we could talk like normal adults?" I tell him rudely.

He lays his fork and knife on his empty plate and shoves it away from him. Then he looks at me with a mixed expression on his face, his eyes telling me nothing. "You're right. This isn't proper behaviour from a gentleman, but as you already figured out yourself I'm no gentleman." He tells me calmly, his eyes stayed glued on my face.

What the hell is wrong with him. "Do you have some kind of psychological explanation about your behaviour because I can't figure you out anymore." I tell him, rudely taking his plate and mine to put in the dishwasher. "I thought you would be happy by my small gesture. I know I can't give you anything fancier or something else, but a little appreciation would be nice!" I hiss.

"Rose, shut up." He says calmly. I turn on my heels to bump straight against his broad chest. While I was confessing to him, he sneeked right up behind me. "You're a ..." but before I could say something I would regret, he crashed his lips on mine.

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