Chapter 20

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Three weeks later

"Hey Karl what are you doing?" I question him from the doorway. "I'm tidying up mister Black his library." He smiles warmly at me. "Can I help you with something? I'm just so bored."I tell him softly hoping he can give me some work.

"Oh dear I'm almost done in here." He informs me hesitantly. "But maybe you can help me cook something for dinner?" He asks me warmly. "I would love that." I smile at his reply. "What time will Jason be home?" I ask him before stepping out of the room. "He told me not to wait for him to make dinner, so I guess he will be working all evening." He explains me softly. "Okay, I'm in the living room if you need my help to prepare dinner." I explain him before walking to the large living room.

I'm so bored. After three weeks staying here and not working is growing hard on me. Tommorow I'm going to ask Jason if I can go back to work on monday. Luckily, Ishana has opened the practice after the funeral so the business wouldn't suffer from a long closing. Ishana had called me almost every day and visited me once a week.

The first two weeks I barely came out of my room. I slept, ate and repeated in that order. That's the reason why I didn't go to grandpa because of how I felt. He would be so mad at me for living my life like I did now. Instead I called him almost every day. Hearing his voice brought me so much comfort. Even Janice has been calling me every day. In about two or three weeks she will be visiting me. I'm not sure how to handle that now, because Jason won't let me stay at my place. I can't tell Janice the truth about his brother. She would call the cops and if I must be honest, I want Enrico to suffer because of what he did to Chris. Being in prison isn't enough. I want to know why he killed him. Why he ruined our lives.

And then there's Jason Black. He's so unpredictable the last few weeks. He didn't talk to me even looked at me. I don't know what his problem is, but it's his own fault. He's the one holding me as a prisoner in his mansion. Luckily, I didn't see him that often. Most of the time he's working. Karl told me he needed to lead his dad's company, but also his own cab business. He doesn't have the usual yellow cabs. No they are luxurious, expensive, black Audi's. Even the cab drivers are wearing suits.

I'm glad I don't have to see him often, but I need to talk to him about visiting grandpa and work. I'm going crazy in here. It's just me and my own thoughts. I've been grieving for three weeks now and it's enough now. I need to move on with my life, even how hard it is without him in my life. I need to keep his business succesfull. It's the least I can do for him.

I'm watching 90 days before the wedding when Karl greeted me. "I'm going to prepare dinner if you still want to help me." He smiles warmly. "Great." I respond to him. I quickly turn off the television and make my way to the kitchen. I helped Karl chopping all the vegetables. We were making rice with stoved vegetables and chicken, with some curry sauce. During the cooking Karl told me about his wife who died fifteen years ago. Her name was Ann and she was so special. The way he talked about her gave me such a warm feeling in my stomach. It was true love at first sight. There isn't something more beautiful in life then pure, irresistable love.

After our conversation, I made the table ready. "Karl will you join me for dinner? I hate to eat alone." I ask him softly. "That's not necesarry Karl, I will accompany her." Jason's voice sounded from the entryway. Great, I thought to myself. "I'll take a second plate Rose. You take a seat." Karl ushers me to sit down.

"You're early mister Black." Karl greets Jason when he walked into the kitchen. He already putted out his suit jacket. He wore a dark blue shirt and a black dress pants. This man has so little time to work out, so how can he be so muscular at the same time. If I don't work out or even look at food I feel myself growing fatter with the minute. I sigh and turn my head back to my plate. Jason was sitting beside me eating in silence when he looks at me.

"Did you made the sauce? It's different from Karl's regular sauce." He informs me seriously. "Yeah I made it with coconuts. It's healthier." I inform him quickly. I knew he wouldn't like it, damnit. Now he has another thing for hating me. "It's very good actually." He spoke quietly. I look up at him with raised brows.

"Are you complimenting me mister Black?" I ask him with a small grin. "Yes Rose." I shrug at his reply, trying to hide my smile. "It's nice to see you smile again." He tells me while taking a big bite from his chicken. I stayed silent at his respond. I don't want him to think I'm over it, because I gave him one smile. "Euh Jason, I want to discuss things with you about work. I need to get back to work. I'm going insane in here doing nothing." I tell him on a desperate tone.

"I know and I understand, but you can't go. It's too soon. We are getting closer on him, but we need to be careful." He informs me calmly. "Jason you can't do this to me. I need my job more then ever now." I explain him seriously. "Why don't you work from here? Taking calls from your patients isn't something you need to be at the practice. Work from home. Ishana will appreciate the efforts from you." He explains calmly.

I let the information sink in for a few seconds. "Okay, I agree on one condition." I tell him bossy. He raises one brow in surprise. "And that will be?" He grins at me. "I want to go to my grandfather tommorow. It's been almost four weeks I haven't visited him, and I want to see him." I tell him on a hurried tone, holding my eyes downcast.

"Sure, but I'll join you." He informs me while taking the last piece of chicken from his plate. "But..." He cuts me off before I could form a sentence. "No buts Rose. Take it or leave it." He stares at me. I glare at him in response. "Fine." I reply quickly with my arms crossed. "Thanks for making dinner." He tells me before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I had cleaned up our plates when Karl walked into the kitchen. "Oh Rose, you didn't need to do that, this is my job." He exclaimed to me. "Nonsense Karl. I'm glad to clean up my own plate. It's really no big deal." I inform him with a small smile, seeing the confusion on his face. That poor man has never gotten any help around here. I don't want to take advantage from him. He has been cooking for me these last few weeks. I want to help him now I'm retrieving myself back.

After I had finished up in the kitchen with Karl's help, I returned back to my room, but stopped when I heard my name a few rooms before mine. I silently walk towards the door were I heard him talking. "Yeah she will be fine, I know that. Contact her tonight so she can pick up the pace like she did before. If you'll need any help about the arrangements give me a call. Mmm, Yes she wants to start on monday. If you can come by tommorow morning with her laptop and everything she needs will be great, thanks."

The call ended because it went silent on the other side of the door. Why is he making so much efforts for me? I can handle everything on my own, or do I really need his help?

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