Chapter 21

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I'm so excited today. Yesterday Ishana came by with my laptop and some other paper work for me to take care off. Finally I've something to do in this big mansion. I'm installing myself on my bed when Jason cleared his troath.

"Are you going to work on your bed?" He questioned me smugly. "I don't see the problem?" I answer him with a frown. "Take your things and follow me." He says bossy. "But I need to start." I explain him. "Don't be stubborn Rose." He tells me on an authorative manner. "I'm coming." I tell him rudely before taking my laptop and papers.

We arrive at his study. He gestures for me to enter. "This is your study." I inform him calmly with a frown on my face. "I know, but I placed another desk into the room opposite from mine." He explains me calmly. I step into the room and see he was telling the truth. He had placed a black desk opposite from his dark wooden desk. WoW, it looked brand new. "You bought this for me?" I ask him with a small smile. "Yes, money isn't an issue for me remember." He smiles playfully at me. This was the tirth time he really smiled at me since I've been living here.

"I don't know what to say." I mumble in astonishment. "At last you don't know what to say, maybe I need to buy you more things." He smiles at me before averting his eyes away from mine. Is he flirting with me? Oh no, this can't be real. I think I'm halucinating right now. I didn't reply him back and I walk akwardly to my desk. I place the laptop and papers on it before shoving my well formed ass on the chair.

"Do you need anything else?" He questioned me seriously. "No, I'm good." I tell him quickly. Jasons looks at my for a few seconds before brushing a hand through his thick, brown hair. "I'm heading of now. I'll be home around seven, maybe we can eat together? So you can talk about how your first work day went?" He says unsure.

I swallow, trying to ease my nerves. His behaviour is totally strange for me now. The hard, distant, cold Jason is opening up for me. Step by step he's taking his shield off for me. He must be feeling bad for what had happened so he tries to be friendly now. Yes, that's why he's acting so friendly all of a sudden. I can be friendly too, because of what he did for me the past few weeks. I live in his mansion. I don't need to pay him anything so that makes him a man with a heart. He has a soft spot. I knew he was fond of his dad. And I didn't think about that fact that he also lost a loved one a few weeks ago. He must be feeling lonely and heartbroken as well. Maybe I need to help him when he needs me just like he did with me. That's the least I can do for him.

"Yeah, I think I will be finished then. See you tonight." I gave him a small smile. He smiles at me one last time before leaving me alone in his study. It feels good now he's really seeing me and wants to communicate. I open up my laptop and open the mails from the practice. I'm replying the first one when my phone rings. That will be the first patient calling for an appointment.

Miss Dolores her husband was very ill and she asked me for an appointment as soon as possible. I told her I would call her back in an hour to tell her when she and her husband can come by. I quickly call Ishana who picked up her phone after five seconds. "Hi Rose, are you okay?" She questioned me. "Yes, I'm so happy I can work again. Miss Dolores called and she asked me if she can come by today with her husband because he's very ill. His symptoms are: coughing, nausea, dizziness and a high fever. It seems urgent to me and I know your agenda is full, but ..." Ishana cuts me of before I could explain her the rest.

"It's totally fine Rose. This is your practice now, so you can decide. I trust your judgement. It sounds urgent for me too. I'm happy you've a little medical background. Tell them they can come by at noon." She informs me calmly. "Thanks Ishana, we do this together. You're the doctor and I'm making your agenda. We are a team." I instruct her firmly, but on a friendly tone. "We are a team for sure." She replies happily before hanging up the phone. I quickly called miss Dolores to tell her she can come by at noon. A satisfied patient is a satisfied me.

The whole day went by so quickly that I almost jumped out of my seat when Karl called my name. "Rose, dinner is ready. Mister Black has just arrived as well." He informs me with a bright smile. "I'm finishing up now, thanks Karl." I tell him while logging myself out and closing my laptop.

Arriving at the kitchen Jason was pooring red wine in his glass. Karl was nowhere to be seen. When he heard me entering the room, he gave me a small smile. "Would you like some wine?" He questioned me quite cheerful. "Yes please." I respond to him and take my seat opposite from him. He skilfully poors the wine in my glass and places it in front of me. When he sat down, I noticed a red lipstick on his neck. I quickly avert my eyes, when he catched me staring.

"What's wrong?" He questioned me with a frown. "You have red lipstick here." I point to my neck. "Oohh," he murmurs softly and stands up from his seat to vanish out of the kitchen. That was awkward. I know this is his job, but this is the first time I see something physical present from his escort work. It almost gave me a dubious feeling and I didn't know why.

I look at my plate and lick my underlip. Hmmm this wil be a meal from heaven. This wasn't an ordinary spaghetti. No, this one had huge meatballs in it with vegetables. Karl always wants to make something healthy and I must say his food is very well prepared, like a true chef he prepares everything with love.

I heard footsteps in the hallway. It's Jason his walk for sure. His pace is big and self assured. This man has loads of confidence. Maybe he can learn me how to gain more confidence. I smile at my plate when he places himself at the table in front of me.

"You shouldn't be waiting for me Rose, or else your spaghetti will be cold." He explains to me as his old self. Rude, cold Jason is back. He quickly starts to eat without giving me a single glance. His red lipstick wasn't present anymore. I hate his borderline behaviour. In the morning he was very thoughtful and friendly and now he's being distant again. "How was work?" I question him with a wide grin without averting my eyes from my plate.

His head jerks up and I feel him glaring at me. "That's none of your business." He says rudely. My grin stayed glued on my face while chewing my deliscious meatballs. He stayed silent for a little while before he clears his throat. "How was your first day of work?" He questioned me on a serious tone. "That's none of your business." I reply him back with a smug face.

If he can play games with me, I can do it to.

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