Chapter 27

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"I'm going to order some pizza, this is my turn to buy some food for you." I explain Jason from the doorway of his study. He looks up at me in a frown. "No." He answers me shortly. "No?" I ask him harshly. "It's not because of your sister you suddenly wants to buy food?" He questioned me while scrolling on his phone. That damn phone of him. Sometimes I want to slap it out of his hand. That would be such a relief.

I smile wickedly at him. No Rose, that would be very rude and inapropriate! He looks up at me because I didn't answer him. "I'm going to buy us food even if you like it or not. Do you want the usual?" I ask him firmly with my arms crossed. He eyes me with a dark expression for a moment before turning his gaze back to his phone. "Whatever," I shrug in respond. I turn on my heels to walk to Janice her room when he called me. "The usual is fine thanks." He murmurs softly.

A smile spread my face. That's what I wanted to hear, him giving in on my command. Rose you're in control, you can handle him if you are firm enough. I smile wickedly while walking towards my sisters room.

The three of us are sitting in the kitchen eating our pizza's. "So Jason what do you do for living?" Janice asked Jason on a serious tone. I almost choked on my coke. Jason eyes me curiously and I made a sign with my finger before my lips that he should shut up. Janice her eyes flick to mine and I quickly bite on my nail. "I broke a nail." I respond to her quickly with a small smile. Jason chuckles at my reply. I glared at him as a warning, but his grin became wider. Fuck, I can tell by the playful look on his face this isn't going to be like we had planned.

"I have a taxi business," he responded to Janice and I sigh in relief, but that changed when he opened his mouth again. "And I'm running an escort bussiness as well." He explains with confidence.

I could punch him in the face right now. What will Janice say now. She will be so mad at me for not telling her the truth. I quickly swallow my piece of pizza away and didn't dare to look at Janice her face. "Really, WoW, I think Rose here forget to mention that." She slaps on my tigh under the table. I glare at her in respons.

"It was my dad's company after all so I needed to lead his company for him." He informs Janice while biting a large piece from his pizza. Janice nods, her expression very serious. "It's very noble of you to do so. He must be proud of you." Janice answers seriously.

"I wouldn't know that, but I hope so." He responds silently laying the rest of pizza back in the box. I look confused at him for a moment because I was shocked he told that into our presence. "Ladies, I have a little bit of work to attend to. Enjoy the rest of the evening." With that been said he vanishes out of the kitchen, leaving me with my mouth wide open. Janice quickly looks at me with the same confusion on her face.

"Rose you didn't think I should know this kind of information. You're my sister and your friend is an escort and .." I quickly cut her off. "Stop it Janice, I'm a grown woman now. It's not like he's going to rape me because he's an escort. He has plenty of women to fuck with!" I tell her harshly. I quickly put a hand in front of my mouth.

Janice rolls dramatically with her eyes. "You couldn't let me finish Rose! Hear me out for a second." She tells me firmly. I shrug, still in my self protextion modus. "He's an escort yeah, but he's very nice. I think he's a good person." She explains me softly. I frown at her instead. "What? Do you want me to lecture you like you're a teenager?" She grins from ear to ear. "Oh I still don't know when you're making fun of me." I giggle and punch her arm playfully.

Janice continues eating her pizza, but I couldn't shake of the feeling that Jason left. "I'm so selfish." I whine out loud throwing the slice of pizza back in the box. "Why? What's wrong?" Janice looks at me with a worried expression. "He's grieving as well and he always asks how I feel. I don't want to intrude him by asking about his father's death, but maybe it's selfish of me to not ask about it." I explain her while playing with my fork.

Guilt dripping from me like water drops. "I'm a horrible person." I tell her honestly. "Stop it Rose. Why are you doing this to yourself! You are a wonderful, sweet, smart and beautiful person inside and out and if he doesn't see that he's blind. I think he understands you more then you think." She explains softly, a jawn escapes her mouth.

"Are you tired?" I ask her. "Yes, I'm going to my room when I've cleaned this up." She informs me quickly. "No, go to sleep you must be tired from your flight. Tommorow we can go to grandpa." I smile to her. "Thanks sis, I love you. You have always been special never forget that." She tells me with a soft voice before heading to her room.

After I cleaned up the kitchen, I also made my way to my room. A few doors away from my chamber I hear something falling on the ground and another cracking voice echoed into the hallway. Then it went silent for a while until I here him banging on something. I silently make my way to the door that was still closed. Struggling with my own thoughts I decided to knock on the door.

"Yes?" I hear his cracking voice. "It's Rose. Are you Okay?" I ask him carefully. For a few seconds it was death silent until he answers me a bit harsh. "I'm fine, go to your room." He orders me. Why is he always mad at me? What am I doing wrong? I need to know why I'm making his life so much more difficult. Maybe I need to pack my things and leave so he can have his rest back.

I pick up all my courage and swung open the door with a bang he flew against the wall. Shit, that wasn't my intention. Jason glares at me from across the room, his eyes turning black. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He shouts at me. I quickly shut the door behind me so we wouldn't wake up Janice. "Maybe you need to explain me what is wrong with me! Why are you always angry at me? What did I do to you in the first place?!" I yell at him, feeling my legs shake from anger. "You should be happy I'm worried about you, and what do you do in return? You hate me!"

"Don't you stop talking to me now. You're going to talk to me right now. I need you to tell me the truth! Why do you hate me so much?!" I yell even louder because of his silent attitude. His eyes turned pitch black. Suddenly he walks towards me clenching his jaw in anger. I swallow, but stayed at my spot. I'm not afraid of him and if he wants to punch me or anything I will defend myself the best I can.

He marches towards me until his face was inches away from mine. His eyes still locked on mine, I took a deep breath, slightly parting my lips while exhaling. I wanted to turn around in anger, but he pinned me between his strong arms and the door. "What the hell are ..." Before I could finish my lecture, he crashes his lips on mine.

End of part 2

Guys this isn't the end. I'm busy writing the third part. I hope you've enjoyed this story so far. Don't you think Rose and Jason are perfect for each other? ❤️

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