Chapter 29

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The whole week went by so fast it was already friday evening. I helped Karl cleaning the kitchen after we ate together. The whole week Jason didn't show up for dinner. Did he do it on purpose? Who knows? I couldn't care less. If he can't behave himself like a mature around me, he can better stay away from me. I don't need this kind of drama in my life now.

If I must be honest, it hurts a little. Am I that horrible? He must hate me for something. I can't keep thinking about it because it's driving me crazy. "Rose are you okay?" Karl questioned me with a worried expression. "I'm fine Karl." I sended him a small smile. "You seem a bit down these days." He tells me softly. "It's been hard these past weeks. It's hard to relax and just enjoy sometimes." I murmur softly.

"Maybe you should take a swim? That will relax you Rose. The water is warm. I'm certain you'll be more relaxed after a nice swim session." He encouraged me. I smile up at him. "You always know what to say, when to say."

"Yeah, I know. I better proceeded a job as a counselor." He laughs. "You would be great for the job." I wink at him before leaving the kitchen in a better mood. Arriving at my room, I rummage in my closet to find my bikini's. Wich one will I wear? I'm going to wear my favourite because it's been so long a went swimming. I hope my breasts still fit those. Not that I gained so much weight, but now I live here, I don't need to clean my house anymore. Exercise is important for a young woman with all that deliscious food in here.

I put on my white, lace bikini. Luckily I have a nice tone to wear the bikini. Not that I need to worry about that when I will be swimming all by myself. I take a large towel and my phone before I made my way to the pool.

Arriving at the pool, I gently place my foot into the water to feel if Karl was telling the truth and Yes he did. It felt so warm the nerves from my foot instantly relaxed. I quickly place my towel on the relax chair that was standing in the corner from the room. I turned on my playlist from my phone and made my way into the water.

I start to swim from side to side, feeling the tension leaving my body. This is so nice. Why didn't I come here earlier? This is amazing. You had a large view from Jason's garden. The garden's lights turned on while I was watching the gorgeous dark blue sky. I turn on my back to look at the ceiling. "No air", from Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown was playing on the background. When I turned back on my belly to swim further I abruptly stopped swimming.

Jason was standing in his bare chest with only a black swim shorts on. Funny how this song's playing just at the right moment because frankly I couldn't breath for a few seconds. His broad chest and shoulders were to die for. His chest hair neatly trimmed away. This man is a God, but how does that he knows I was in here? Damnit Karl, you traitor. "Enjoying the water?" His voice spoke husky.

"Very." I tell him firmly, turning myself in the water to swim into the other direction. Luckily the pool was very big. "May I joyn you?" He asked me calmly. "Yes." I reply him quickly. Actually no, but what can I say? It's his pool eventually. My nerves start to crawl back under my skin. I was almost relaxed, until he came in my view with his sexy, hot body I want to explore with my hands. My throat went dry instantly, when I heard him stepping into the water. Fuck me.

I'm swimming circles at the back of the pool, trying to calm myself down. Why am I feeling this way when he's near me? I've never felt such strong attraction with Eric or another boy. Not that I had plenty of boyfriends, but I wasn't very shy when it came to boys.

Jason is different. He's more mature, older and dominant not to mention the skills he must have in bed. I'm clearly letting my body taking the control. I know I haven't had sex for a while now, but it's the only thing that's keeping me from feeling asleep these days. With Jason it's kind of different, because he sleeps with women daily. Isn't he satisfied enough?

Stop exagerating Rose. You're making yourself crazy over nothing. Jason doesn't want you the way you want him. I swim to the side and put my braid behind my shoulder. With my long hair I always braided it when I went for a swim. My eyes start to sting so I rub my eyes, trying to clear my face from the water.

"Does your eyes sting a little?" Jason spoke softly. He was close, very close by the closeness from his voice. "Yes, a little." I tell him calmly. I still rub into my left eye that still stings the most. "Let me see." He orders me gently. "It's fine Jason." I tell him firmly and turn around to swim back to the entrance of the pool. He quickly grabs my wrist and twirls me back in front of him. I was so close at his bare, wet, muscular chest.

"Jason," I murmur softly. "Rose, I'm just going to look at your eye." He murmurs softly, but his eyes revealed something else. He gently opens my eye with one hand and looks at it for a few seconds before letting me go. "It's probably from the chlorine in the water. It stings for a few minutes, but you'll get used to the chlorine very soon." He explains me softly.

"Thanks," I murmur softly. "Is this the first time you went for a swim in here?" He asks me with his authorative expression. If I wouldn't know him, I would be scared as hell from him. He gives some dark vibes to others. It's like he wants to shield himself for bad people or bad situations. I know he's a control freak and that probably scares a lot of people, but somehow it comforts me in a crazy way. When I don't want control or if it's to much to carry, I know he can. He would carry me and my sorrows. I know he's that strong, and I can only admire that side of him.

"Rose?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. "I, uhu, no this is the first time. I love your pool." I smile shyly because of his soft, friendly expression. "Only the pool?" He suddenly questions me on a serious tone. His piercing blue eyes so close I could only stare in total admiration.

He's so perfect.

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