Chapter 6

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"Call 911!" I shouted towards Enrico, who's face has turned pale. "Rose step aside, I'll help him." Jason's voice echoed from somewhere behind me. I ignored him and I start doing cpr. My arms became tired after a while, and I still couldn't feel no pulse. "Rose let me help you, the ambulance are on their way." I feel his strong hands on my shoulders.

I'm silently sobbing. How could this have happened. He was fine an hour ago. Suddenly I feel Jason's arms around my waist pulling me to the side. I was an emotional wreck so I let him pass me. He quickly starts to ventilate Chris. His growls became louder after each push on his chest.

After five minutes I saw his eyelids moving. "Stop, look, he's moving." I yell, grabbing a hold on Jason's large arms. Jason quickly holds his ear near his mouth. "He's breathing again." He assures me. I quickly move closer to Chris his head. "Chris, can you hear me? Hey, it's Rose. Please open your eyes." I begg him softly, tears streaming down my face.

Jason's still sitting beside Chris on the bed. He looks very tired. After a few minutes a lot of people gathered around in the room talking in silence with each other. After what looked like hours the ambulance arrived, and in no time we were sitting in the hospital.

Jason had driven me to the hospital without me even asking. He was silent the whole time. Once in a while eying me, but I couldn't utter a single word. What happened in that room? Why did his heart stopped?

Sitting in the hospital with Jason felt so weird, almost unreal. I'm waiting for the doctor's to arrive and it feels like the time has stopped. "Are you okay?" I hear his voice from a distant. "Rose?" He called me again. His large hand cupping my face gently. "Rose, talk to me." His pleading eyes roaming over my teary face.

Suddenly a door bursted open to reveal a doctor. I quickly run towards him. "Doctor how is he?" I questioned him worriedly. "He's stabile at the moment, were you with him tonight?" He questioned me carefully.

" Yes, almost the whole time. What's wrong doc?" I ask him with a frown. "We found a large amount of xtc in his bloodstream, that's why his heart had stopped beating." The man frowns at me.

"Xtc, what? No, Chris would never take drugs. He's a doctor, he would never do that." I pinch the bridge of my nose in confusion. "I understand miss, but it's the truth. Maybe you should talk with your friend in the morning when he wakes up. For now we're taking good care of him. He's in good hands." He assures me with a small smile and turns back into another room.

I turn on my heels to look into Jason's eyes. My mind is racing with different thoughts. "Chris would never take drugs, Enrico must have given him the drugs, maybe he forced him to do it!" I angrily inform him.

"This must be a misunderstanding. We have a strong policy about taking no drugs while working. Enrico knows that. He's a member of our team for four years now. I don't think it's his fault." Jason tells me seriously.

"I know my friend and he wouldn't do it." I yelled at him, walking passed him into the direction of the entrance. "Where are you going now?" He runs up behind me. "I'm going to talk to Enrico." I glare at Jason. "And you're not going to stop me."

"Rose, you can't go back. Enrico's already gone." He explained me carefully. "And I must believe you." I hiss. "Look," he sighed, showing me his phone where a message appears from Enrico. "Where did he go?"

"I don't know, come on I'll take you home, you need some rest." Jason orders me gently. "No, get the fuck away from me, and tell Enrico I'm not finished with him." I point with my finger in his face.

"Let it go Rose." Jason's voice startled me while I walked towards a taxi. I turn on my heels to see him staring at me, a mixed expression of hurt and something else in his face. "Never." I tell him firmly. Turning back towards the street a taxi stops next to me. I quickly jump into the taxi before Jason could stop me.

I'll never let this go, I whisper to myself. I close my eyes for a while, trying to retrieve my inner peace. My pulse still racing like a maniac. If I won't calm down any minute, I will get a heartattack as well.

After a fifteen minutes drive I arrive at my apartment. Feeling drained and exhausted, I start to undress myself and pulling on my pj's. I quickly remove my make-up and check my phone one last time before falling into a restless sleep.

After a rough night I wake up pretty early in the morning. I dressed myself in something comfortable. Pulling my hair in a messy bun. I did not care how I look today. The only thing that matters now is that Chris will recover. After collecting everything I needed, I drove of to Chris his house to collect the things he's going to need.

I didn't need to call someone because unfortunately Chris hadn't had any family. While driving to the hospital, I saw the images from last night as clear as daylight. Chris was laying on the bed, Jason's worried expression. It was such a lovely night. I really enjoyed my time with Chris and afterwards with Jason. Surprisingly enough, he did a lot of afford for me and Chris, but maybe it was all part of an act. Because this happened with a member at their special exclusive night. I can't trust him nor anyone from the escort world.

Carefully, I walk towards the nurse desk asking where Chris is laying. He's laying on the second floor, room 230. I make my way upstairs as fast as I can. I hesitate for a moment, but continue and knock at the door. I gently push the door open, revealing Chris awake. I smile reassuringly, feeling my legs going weak.

"Rose, I'm so sorry."

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