Chapter 15

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Damnit, he saw me. What would he want from me now? I swallow the lump away and turn on my heels to face him. He was already standing behind me. "Hey." I greet him politely. He eyed me closely, not showing any emotion on his face. A feeling of guilt washes over me. I almost ignored him, but he must be feeling terrible since his dad passed away.

"I'm sorry about your dad." I tell him carefully with my eyes downcast. "How do you know that? Have you met Enrico?" His eyes widen for a second. "No, uh Chris has seen you in the hospital, he accidentally heard your conversation with the doctor when he came from his doctor."

He nervously scratches his neck, trying to avoid my gaze. When I got a good look on his face, I could see the exhaustion and painful expression. "Yeah, my dad had a heart attack. He was sick for a while now, but I never thought he would die from a heart attack. It went all so fast." He sighes. My heart broke into pieces at that moment. He was a stranger, but it felt like I've known him from years.

"I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you now." I explain him quietly. "Thanks Rose, its nice to see you again." He answers me. "Are you heading home now?" He asked me softly. "Yes." I reply him back. "Okay, I'll let you leave now." He explained while looking at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Take care of yourself Jason." I order him softly. "You too." He smiles at me before vanishing into a dark alley. I slide in my car and turn on the radio. The song "My heart will go on" from Céline Dion playing on the radio. "Perfect timing Céline." I murmur softly to myself before leaving the parking lot. When I arrived home, I quickly showered myself. Desperately trying to wash of the memories about Jason's painful expression.

When I was ready to go to bed my phone buzzed. I opened the text, while sliding under my blankets. The message said, "the exclusive night can be arranged by your terms whenever you like."

I frown at my phone and start giggling. Is he serious now? And how does he have found my phone number? I quickly reply him. "No thanks, I'm not interested."

"You will be, maybe not now but someday I will get a taste of you. Now is not the time, I'm well aware of that, but I would like to see you again." He texted me back. The thought of me seeing him again gave me goosebumps all over my body. I would ly if I didn't want to see him again, but I can't fall in love with a man that chooses a life like his. How can I give myself to him, when I know he will be fucking other women.

I sigh and text him back. "I think that's not a good idea." I lay my phone back beside me waiting for his reply. After a minute I received his respond. "It's a terrible idea, but I just want to see you again. You intrigue me. I told you that before. Just think about it allright? We don't need to have sex, just a dinner nothing more."

Think about it. I don't know what to think about everything he's asking from me. My heart says make the jump, see where he'll take you, but my mind says don't do it. He's super hot, and not to mention very smart. He's a total package, but with a dark side. His business is a very bad influence for making a disicion. I can't do this to myself all over again. The devil inside of me is laughing at me, I'm sure of it. It's just dinner,nothing more. It's not like he would fall in love with me. Like a man like him would want a relationship if he can fuck for money.

I get an headache of overthinking everything. I sigh and toss myself back under my blankets. Why does a handsome man that I really like have to be an escort for Gods sake. It's like I'm a magnet for bad boys. I need to go te sleep or I'll be a zombie at work tommorow. I quickly set my alarm and closed my eyes. Hoping he wouldn't follow me into my dreams.

The next days went by so fast that it was already friday evening. I was sitting in the sofa at Chris his place watching a movie. Chris starts to laugh at what happened on the movie. "Omg he's such a nerd." He laughs. "What's wrong Rose? You're so quiet these days? Is everything allright?" He questioned me, his smile fading away and taking place for a worried expression.

"Chris I don't know. I can't talk about it." I sigh averting my eyes from his gaze. "Why? Rose it's me, your best friend." He tabs me gently on my arm. "No Chris, you would be freaking out if I would tell you the truth!" I snap at him, my emotions taking the upper hand. "Rose, I know you've seen Jason again." He sighs, scratching his neck lightly.

"How do you know that?" I ask him quickly, my eyes locking with his again. "He called me yesterday to ask me if Enrico had tried to contact me, and if would see him I need to contact him. He asked me to keep an eye on you." Chris informs me seriously.

"That's so weird! He asked me the same question about Enrico." I murmur softly. "Yeah, I know." Chris tells me silently. "There's a part of me that tells me you need to stay away from him, but I just can't. The way he speaks of you is with a lot of respect. He really sounded worried about you, like he cares about you." Chris explained with a sly smile on his face.

"Chris, I .." My words were being cut off by a loud noise. I almost jumped from the couch. The adrenaline rushing trough my veins. Chris looks in shock. "What the hell was that?" He asked me with a trembling voice. "I don't know, it came from your bedroom." I inform him in a whisper. Silently we both walk into the bedroom to see broken glass all over the floor and bed. "What the fuck!" Chris yells agrily, quickly walking to the broken window. "That fuckers are already gone!" He shouts again.

I look around the room to find a large stone in the corner. "Chris look," I point into the direction where the stone is laying. I approach the stone to see a small note wrapped around it. "What the ..." I murmur softly, picking the stone from the ground. I fold the note back into it's original size.

You ruined my life, you and your pretty friend are going to pay for it

"Chris, read this!" I quickly offered him the note, biting on my nail to ease my nervous behaviour. "We need to go to the police Chris." I silently inform him. "No, what will he do next? Broken glass can be fixed Rose. We'll wait for a few days to see if something else happens." He tells me.

"Maybe we need to call Jason?" I question him silently before a loud banging on the door startled us.

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