Chapter 17

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Part 2

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I gently place my hand on my forehead, trying to ease the pain. What happened to me? My mind suddenly flashes memories of Chris. "No." I wheep, tears start rolling down my face. I hoped it was just a bad dream, bit it wasn't. Chris has been shot in front of his house when I was still inside. Why did I left him alone in that room?

Where is he now? I need to see him, to make sure he's comfortable. Rose, stop this, he's gone and he won't be feeling anything anymore. I quickly sit straight into a bed that wasn't mine. Where am I? "That asshole." I hiss softly. He gave me an injection so he could abduct me peacefully.

"Jason!" I shout. "Jason!!!" I yell again, this time a bit louder. I place my hand back on my forehead. It's better not to shout anymore when this headache's still present. After waiting for a few minutes without any sound of appearance from him, I gently place my bare feet on the ground. I was still wearing the same jeans and shirt when Chris died. My tears welling up behind my eyelids again.

I slowly walk across the room and open the door. It revealed a large empty hallway with a lot of paintings hanging on the walls. Naked men and women posing in different angles. Some of them were very intimite. I swallow by the sight of it and start to search for any sign of life in this large, too expensive house.

Finally I spotted a bald, older man watering the plants in what seems an enormous living room. "Excuse me, is Jason around?" I question the man politely. "Ah miss Miller, you are awake." The man greeted me cheerful. I nod with a small smile. "Mister Black will be home at noon. Are you hungry my dear? Of course you are, come on dear follow me." The man gestures for me to follow him.

I'm not hungry at all, but it wouldn't be polite of me to decline his friendly offer, so I followed him to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" He questioned me with a bright smile, wrinckles visible on his older face. "Something small, I'm not very hungry, I'm sorry." I send him an apologetic smile. "Nonsense my dear, you don't have to excuse yourself. I'll make you some scrumbbled eggs and bacon is that allright for you?" His smile giving me a warm feeling.

"Thank you, I uhu you didn't mention your name?" I ask him carefully. "Oh I'm sorry miss it's the first time mister Black brought a woman to his home. My name is Karl, very nice meeting you miss Miller." He smiles and start to prepare the eggs and bacon for me. "Please call me Rose, it's nice to meet you too Karl." I gave him a small smile.

After a few more minutes, I was eating breakfast. The eggs and bacon were very simple, but well baked. Karl talked to me about the different facilities in the house. There was a huge pool inside, a gym in the basement and a large library on the third floor.

"How long have you been a butler for Jason?" I question him, my curiosity taking the upper hand. "Oh dear, let me think for a second. I guess it's for ten years now. When he was twenty he moved from his fathers house and he has bought this for his own. Mister Black has been working so hard and very long hours these passed years, he couldn't enjoy from the property itself. He made me butler to cook for him and to take care of his plants, the pool and the study. The rest of the house is under Maria her watch. She cleans three times a week or else she couldn't clean everything and she irons Jason's clothes." He chuckles.

"Yes, it's very large for one person." I smile at Karl. "Maybe not for long." He winks at me. "No, you must be mistaken Karl. Jason and I are not lovers or anything like that." I stumble over my own words. "What isn't here at this precise moment, can grow in a while." He smiles brightly at me. I avert my eyes from his, not wanting to give him a wrong idea.

"Karl do you know where Jason was heading to?" I question him carefully. "He needed to arrange a funeral from a friend, that's all I know." He informs me while cleaning the kitchen. My stomach went sick in an instant. He's arranging it, but that's not for him to decide. He was my friend. I need to take care of him. "Karl I'm not feeling well. I'm going back to my room." I walk out the room quickly before he could respond.

I took two steps at a time on the stairs, and practically ran into my room, callopsing on my bed. Tears rolling uncontrollably from my eyes. Wracking sobs leaving my body. When I couldn't cry anymore my body felt so weak and exhaustion took over my mind and body. I fell in a deep restless sleep.

After what seems like a few minutes of sleep, I open my eyes. I gently sit straight on the bed rubbing into my eyes. "Are you okay?" A voice startled me. In the corner of the room sat Jason. His gaze fixated on me. "Yes, I'm fine." I snap at him, averting my eyes from his. "You're not fine. Karl called me you weren't feeling well after breakfast." He tells me firmly.

"I'm fine now." I murmur softly, placing my hand on my forehead. Damnit, I thought it came from the lack of sleep, but my headache's getting worse. "What's wrong Rose?" He asked me roughly, standing up from his seat. "I have a messive headache." I tell him. "Maybe it's because of your injection!" I snap at him.

I tried to make him angry, because I wanted to feel something other then sadness. His expression stayed the same. His calm demeanor making me more angry, the agressiveness inside of me wanting to come out. "I fucking hate you! This is all your fault! Why did you abduct me! Why are you such an asshole!!!" I stopped abruptly with shouting because he was standing very close to me. I didn't even notice when he started to walk across the room towards me.

"Rose," he sighed, his eyes looking very exhausted. "No, stop. I hate you!" I yell. Suddenly he stepped closer to me until he pulls me to his hard chest, closing his arms around me. My tears were rolling down my cheeks. My fists punching his chest as hard as I can. "Why didn't you save him!" I sob against his chest. My arms falling lifeless beside my body. I couldn't do this anymore. I'm officially a miserable person right now. They took away everything from me.

When I was six years old my mother and father died in a car crash. My sister and I were left behind without saying goodbye. Grandpa has raised us until we were old enough to live on our own. I've never felt more alone when I was a child, but when I had met Chris everything changed and now he's gone. He was like a big brother to me. A life without him seems so unreal like it's a big horrible nightmare.

"Everything will be fine in time Rose. Give yourself time to heal. When you're ready I'll be here for you if you need my help." His voice whispered just above my head. Did I hear sadness in his voice?

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