Chapter 25

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"Why did you lie to him. Did you see his face? He's so happy now, and it's all your fault!" I punch Jason with my fist, but regretted it instantly when I had hurt myself. "Auwtch," I whined, brushing lightly over my hand.

Jason only smirks at me, his eyes twinkling with joy. "Don't look at me like that, this isn't funny. Now he thinks we're engaged for Gods sake!" I yell at him. I felt so frustrated now, because I'm the one that eventually have to tell him the truth. "Rose I couldn't lie to him, I'm sorry. He was so happy for you. I gave the man peace and that's what he wanted to hear from me. Is it so bad to lie when he needed it to give him a little rest. It's not like everything I agreed to was a lie." He tells me calmly.

"What do you mean?" I frown at him with my arms crossed. "I'm taking care of you and protecting you so that wasn't a lie." He admits softly. "Yeah, it's not like I'm staying with you forever." I murmur softly while fidgeting with my seatbelt.

I look outside of the small car window. Raindrops splashing against it. The sky has turned pitch black in a few seconds. The sky lighted up and followed itself with a loud bang. I crawl instinctively deeper into my car seat. I watch with big eyes when lightning strikes again and again.

"Are you afraid?" I almost jumped out of my seat by hearing his voice. I glare at him. "No." I tell him calmly. "Now who's the liar." He smiles at me. I glare at him, but freaked out by a loud bang. This one was close. I'm so relieved I saw the house coming into our view. Jason parked the car near the door. "Run to the door, I'm going to park the car into the garage." He informs me so I obbeyed him and ran to the front door. I only needed to run twenty meters but still I was soaken wet.

Jason stormed into the hallway also wet from the rain, only with him it dripped of from his blazer. His hair was a total mess, but still he looked so hot. Mister perfect stays perfect even when he became wet from the rain. He caught me watching him and a blush spreads my cheeks. I quickly avert my gaze from his and made my way upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and when I almost had undressed myself I received a message. I frown and walk to my bed where I had thrown my phone on.

"You must be cold now. I'm making some hot chocolate in the kitchen." He texted me. A smile appeared on my face. Why is he being so sweet to me. It's actually my job to treath him nice, but he really wants to take care of me not because he needs to. I quickly undress myself and put on a blue jogging suit. Why dressing myself up when this is who I am. I can dress up for sure, but I enjoy comfortable clothes at home. Home, it already feels like home, but eventually I need to go back to my place when Jason has Enrico.

I'm almost into the hallway when I hear Jason talking. "I don't have time. I'm busy now." He says firmly. "What do you don't understand about no, I'm not a available now. Bye Kristel." He says rudely. It must be one of his clients. I silently walk into the kitchen and his whole demeanor changes when he eyes me. "A jogging suit." He says with a smug face. "What's wrong with that?" I ask him with a grin.

"Nothing, I just didn't know you would wear something like that, because you're always nicely dressed." I frown at his explanation and giggle. "Not everyone wants to wear fancy clothing all the time like yourself." I laugh at his smug face. "Here's your hot chocolate miss fancy pants." He chuckles while handing me a large cup.

I roll with my eyes and smell at my hot coco. "Mmm, it's been ages that I drank this. Grandpa always made it for Janice and me when we came from school with our bikes." I smile at the memories of my childhood. "Your grandfather is a good man." He admits calmly, watching me sip from my hot coco.

"So when I walked in you were a little annoyed from your phone call. Has it something to do about Enrico? Did they find him yet?" I ask him carefully. "No affortunately they haven't found him yet, but they will." He informs me. He isn't going to speak about his work, of course he wouldn't. "It was a woman from work. Sometimes they think I don't have a life beside meeting them, but I have and if they don't accept my privacy they can fuck off." He admits to me harshly, sipping from his coco.

I stopped sipping from my drink, still in shock about his outburst. He told me something about his work. I knew it must be difficult to live a life like his. I carefully look at him, but he's still far away with his thoughts. Before I knew what I was doing I reached my hand out and placed it on top of his. Feeling his warmth radiating into my skin. He looks up at me in surprise, but he didn't shove my hand away in the first place. I carefully take my hand back, feeling a little unsure about my gesture.

The room was silent until my phone rang. "I'm sorry I have to take this one." I apologize before answering it. "Hey sis, I've got some great news." Janice greets me cheerful. "Okay." I smile at her cheerful behaviour. "I can come to visit you next weekend isn't that great! I can stay the whole weekend with you, because the kids will be staying with Math. I thought you needed some alone time with me." She informs me. "That's great Janice. I'm happy to see you again. But can I call you back tommorow? I'm in the middle of something." I tell quickly, scratching my neck with a shaking hand. Damnit, she can't come to my real home neither she can come to Jason's place. What do I have to do now?

"Okay sis. Call me tommorow and have fun with your something there." She squeels into the phone. "No, it's nothing like that." I roll with my eyes and I see Jason grinning at me. He must have heard her squeeling. "Bye Janice!" And I disconnected the call. I sigh, putting my phone back on the table.

"What's wrong aren't you happy your sister called you?" He questioned me a little unsure. "No, I'm really happy when she calls, but there's a little problem. She will be visiting me next weekend. Her kids stay with their father so she can have a little more time with me, so maybe I can go just for the weekend to my place?" I explain him softly.

"No, you'll be staying here. If she wants to visit you she's welcome in my home." He explains me without giving it a second thought. "But ..." He interrupts me. "No Rose. We will figure something out, but you aren't going back to your house it's too dangerous while he's still out there." He informs me with a frustrated expression. "Are you sure?" I ask him carefully, biting my lip in confusion.

His eyes trails down to my lips and when he looks up he answers me. "One hundreth procent sure." He smiles wickedly.

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