¥ 2679.84 and a Visit to Chiyo-San

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Welcome to Kiribaku Month 2020! Yay! We've got a whole month of oneshots ahead for two dumb bois, and I hope you guys are ready! Let's begin with some good ol' fluffy fluff!

Kirishima's POV

"Hey, Katsuki," I leaned on the hand I planted on the gorgeous ash blond's desk.

He looked up at me, and I flashed him a huge grin.

A tiny grunt left his lips as he turned a pinkish color.

"The fuck do you want?" he hissed, averting his gaze.

"I was wondering if my amazing boyfriend would go get ice cream with me after school. We can go to that one shop down the street," I crouched down, putting my chin on his desk.

Katsuki glared at me. "What are you fishing for?"

"I already told you, I wanna take you out on an ice cream date!" I defended myself. "No strings attached! Just a sweet date with my fantastic boyfriend!"

"Fucking whatever," Katsuki rolled his eyes, lightly bonking me on the head with his fist. "Meet me at my dorm after you get changed. Don't be late, asshole!"

A warmth bloomed on my face, and as it grew, so did the grin on my face.

"Thank you, Katsuki!" I put a peck on his head before walking to my seat.



acing up the stairs in the dorm, I felt my heart racing.

Maybe half of it was because of running up stairs and I'm not a hero who relies on cardio.

I am, instead, going to claim it was entirely due to the date I was about to go on.

See, Katsuki and I confessed to each other a few months ago. We agreed on being with each other, and a few days ago, we agreed on being each other's boyfriends.

All without a single date.

That is, until today.

So I've gotta look nice. And make a good impression.

Maybe he'll wanna kiss me... but that also may not be a good idea with these fucking chompers.

"Ugh," I groaned, stripping off my uniform.

A quick shower later, I began to look through my closet when I got a text from Katsuki.

Don't come over until 16:30.


vrythng 👌?

Your spelling is absolutely atrocious.
And yes.

How dare he insult my heartfelt message like that?

"Okay... I bet Katsuki's getting help from Mina right now, so I can't call her for help. Ochaco and Tsu are busy too... ooh! I could ask Satou for help!" I striked my palm with my fist and grinned before dialing Satou's number.

"Yo, bro, could I get some help real quick?"


"Thanks so much, man!" I said with a grin as Satou handed me a box of chocolates. "He'll love these!"

"I got you, man. Any time!" Satou gave me a smile back. "Got get him, Kirishima,"

Kiribaku Month 2020Where stories live. Discover now