Couples War

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A/N: There will be a few side ships in this, okay? So, what we have is Tododeku (Todoroki × Midoriya), Shinkami (Shinsou × Kaminari), Tsuchaco (Tsuyu × Ochaco), Tetsukendou (Tetsutetsu × Kendou), and Minakage (Mina × Tokage). I know that one is a bit of rare pair, but hey, they're some funky li'l lesbians. Also, paintball is a big part of this. Good news is I've done paintball. Bad news is, it's been fucking years. So, if this is inaccurate, my apologies. Anyway, with that, we'll begin!

Kirishima's POV

"Okay, listen," Sero began with a sigh. "I love you guys, and I'd love to join you guys as your thirteenth wheel, but I'm not doing paintball with Bakugou again. He shot me in the dick once, he would do it again,"

Katsuki burst out into laughter alongside Mina and Denki, me sighing while they died.

"I understand your stance. If you don't wanna actually do it, that's cool too. But you're welcome to just come and vibe,"

"Sorry, no can do," Sero gave me a grin. "Got a date,"

"With who!?" Mina gasped.

"It's a secret," Sero gave a wink. "I'm off! Good luck!"


"Mina, we have to go now, or else we can't do the thing," Kendou said.

"Ooh!" Mina's attitude quickly shifted. "C'mon, let's go!"

"Alright, alright, let's go," I said with a grin as we left.

I was super excited for this. I used to do a bunch of paintball fights in middle school, but since I joined U.A., I haven't had the chance to go.

"Has anyone else gone paintballing before?" I asked. "I know Mina has, but I dunno about everyone else,"

"Yeah," Shinsou nodded.

"Nope!" Tokage said, popping the "p".

"Nah," Kaminari sighed.

"Mhm!" Ochaco grinned.

"No," Tsuyu shook her head.

"Yep," Tetsutetsu confirmed.

"Uh-huh!" Kendou gave me a thumbs up.

"No, but I've shot a gun before," Midoriya said, making me even more scared of the leaf haired boy.

"No," Todoroki said.

I looked at Katsuki, who just scoffed.

"I'll take that as a no," I said. "Okay! No worries, there will be people there to teach you how to do it!"

"Yeah, yeah,"


After all of the newbies got their tutorial, we were all decked out in our gear.

"So, you guys mentioned a 'thing' before we left?" I asked.

"Mhm!" Ochaco beamed.

"We were thinking of doing a battle of the couples! To see which couple is the best!"

Oh boy.

I heard Katsuki's breathing get heavier beside me.

"So, how is this gonna work?" Shinsou asked.

"We rented out two battle grounds," Tsuyu stated. "There's six couples, so there will be three couples to a battle. Each couple will be a team with a different color. Once we have the two winners, they will face off while the other four couples will fight it out in the other battle ground,"

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