Spontaneous and Confusing

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A/N: Day two! Some more fluff! This'll be focused on mainly Bakugou and his dummy thicc crush on Kirishima. I'm just gonna have fun with it, y'know? With that, let's go!

Bakugou's POV

"And I said 'Whatever, bitch'," I said before a yawn. "And the bitch whatevered,"

"No way!" Midnight-sensei gasped as she shook the nail polish. "You made it sound like that bitch would never leave you alone!"

"Felt like it," I scoffed.

"She sounded super rude," Hagakure wrapped her arms around her pillow tighter. Her pout was audible.

"Sure was," I said as Midnight-sensei uncapped the nail polish and went to work on my right hand.

I can't believe I was invited to this dumb fucking sleepover.

But, what I can't believe more, is that I actually agreed.


"C'mon, Bakugou, please?" Pinky begged. "Just come tonight, and you can leave by midnight or later. And if you enjoyed yourself, you can keep coming back. If not, then don't come again,"

"It sounds fucking stupid. And like a major waste of time," I scoffed.

"It's actually a fantastic way to relieve stress. Don't stay the whole night if you don't want to, but please?"


"Bakugou-kun, that's a really nice color," Tsu deadpanned as she painted her girlfriend's nails a bright pink.

"Midnight-sensei said it'd be a good color on me, and I trust her judgement," I shrugged with the arm I was using to prop myself up.

"Honey, you can call me Nemuri. I don't mind. The other girls do it," Midnight-sensei said with a smile. "And don't be afraid to come to future sleepovers. We do them every other weekend,"

Fighting a grin down, I turned my face away. "Fucking whatever,"

Everyone laughed around me, and Mina sat in front of me. "You enjoying yourself?"

"When do you think Hizashi's gonna be here?" Kyouka asked. "I have some questions about some DJ stuff,"

"He'll be here soon. He said he needed to talk to Shouta about something," Nemuri rolled her eyes and grinned. "You can assume what that means,"

The girls giggled and I felt myself snicker.

"Hey, are we allowed to call you Katsuki or Katsuki-kun?" Momo asked.

"Only here. Anywhere else, and you'll be a lovely red splotch on the fucking wall,"

"That sounds festive!" Mina said with a smile.

"Sure is," I chuckled as Nemuri moved to my other hand. "Ask Deku,"

"Didn't you kabedon him once?" Tooru asked.

Thinking back, I gagged.

"Don't fucking remind me,"

"Do you like him?" Ochaco asked.

"Are you kidding me?! You think my standards are that low? Mama ain't raise no bitch, and I ain't gonna marry no bitch!"

"He does come off as someone who's more on the... vanilla side, if you will," Nemuri shrugged casually.

"Yeah, plus, it's obvious he doesn't like Midoriya like that. It's more obvious that he likes someone else," Mina said with a sly grin.

I opened my mouth to defend myself or to yell at Mina, but the girls just squealed.

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