Katsuki, Kacchan, Katsuko, Katsu, Barkugou and Bakugou

380 11 4

A/N: So, today's prompt was parallel universes. Now, I'm not the best with these, but I'll try this anyway! I also apologize for the lateness. I just totally forgot about it, and I feel really bad! Let's start!

Kirishima's POV

"Oi, Bakugou? We got class, dude," I said, knocking on his dorm door.

The door cracked open, and a hand tugged me in.

"Hey, what's the big--" I paused, gawking at the sight I saw. "Idea?"

There was Bakugou... and then Bakugou in a cape. Then Bakugou with wolf ears and a tail. Then Bakugou as a girl. Then Bakugou as a kid. The Bakugou in a cardigan and tie.

"What the hell is going on?!" I almost yelled.

"You can figure it out yourself, can't you?" the female snarled.

The one with the cape walked up to me, grabbing my wrist oddly softly.

"Uh, heyo, broski," I said awkwardly.

He frowned.

"Where's your charm, scales?"




I was suddenly tugged away, pulled into someone else's back.

One of the Bakugou's shoved his face on my neck, and took a few quick sniffs.

"What the fuck?"

"Where's our bonding mark?"

I turned to see the wolf Bakugou with his ears pressed against his head and his tail between his legs.

"Do you not want me anymore?"

That is so cute, but also really sad.

"What?! Nononono!"

I placed a hand behind his ear, and began to scratch softly.

Some cute little whimpers and chuffs left the wolf's throat, a grin spreading across his face as his tail began to wag.

"So, what happened?" I asked, turning to original Bakugou.

"Like I fucking know! These fuckers just appeared in the middle of the night," Bakugou rubbed his face. "And this little shit hasn't shut up,"

"DON'T CALL ME A LITTLE SHIT, YOU OLD ASS!" a younger version of Bakugou yelled.

He had to have been eight.

"Be nice, Kacchan!" the one in the cardigan put his hand on the shoulder of the older Bakugou. "We wouldn't want to make our guest scared!"

I think he was the scariest one.

He was genuinely smiling, and his positivity was almost sickening.

"So, should I text Kaminari to say we can't make it to class?" I asked.

"Fucking, sure. Make sure he tells sensei, though," Bakugou scoffed.

"Okay... how do I... refer to you guys?" I asked.

"Call the little shit Kacchan--" "Hey!"

"Can I call you Barkugou?" I asked the wolf boy I was still petting.

I just got a nod.

"Okay. What can I call you?" I asked the female.

"Katsuko," she mumbled, crossing her arms.


"Call me Bakugou," the one in cape mumbled.

"You can call me Katsu!" the one in the cardigan grinned.

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