Twelve Years

448 21 9

Okay, today's prompt is Time Travel. So, this means we're gonna have the original bois, and their older selves. Their older selves will be referred to by first name, whereas the originals will be referred to as younger Eijirou / Katsuki. So creative, I know.

Also, I have absolutely no Internet or Wi-Fi right now, so I'm gonna pray that this'll go out on the right day. If not, I apologize.

Older Eijirou's POV

A loud thud came from the couch on the living room.

"Katsuki, you're home early," I said with a laugh before walking into the living room.

Only to not see my husband of 12 years, but a younger version of myself  and my husband.

They were both tied up.

The younger version of myself managed to break out.

"Bakugou, hang on, give me a second," he mumbled.

Younger Katsuki was yelling and screaming, but it was muffled by a mask.

"What the fuck?"

The two stared at me, and younger Katsuki passed out.

"Who the hell are you?! Where are we?!" Younger Eijirou stood in front of younger Katsuki, with his skin fully hardened.

"Uh... hang on. Let's get Katsuki out of his bonds," I sighed, beginning to walk toward the passed out blond.

"I'd like to know who you are first!" I was stopped by the young redhead. "I have a guess, but I'm gonna pray that ain't the case,"

"Take a guess, Kirishima," I said, crossing my arms with a sarcastic eyebrow raise. "What could this possibly be?"

"Damn, why do I sound so fucking pissy when I'm older?" he mumbled.

"Rude," I scoffed. "Now will you let me help?"

Crouching down to the passed out blondie, I got to work on removing the huge Quirk prohibiting block around his hands.

"Damn, I forgot they used these!" I laughed at the nostalgia.

"God, how old are you?" Younger me asked.


Staring and blinking was all younger me seemed capable of before getting the muzzle off of the young blond.

"Not to be autosexual, but damn do I look good for 32,"

"Damn right you do!" I grinned. "Let's put him down on the couch,"

I picked up the blond, threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and put him down only a few steps later.

"Wait, you're married already?!"

"Have been for 12 years," I smiled at the younger me.

"To who?!"

Before I could respond, the door opened to our apartment.

"Hey, Eiji, I'm ho--"

My husband stood in the doorway, his mask in his hands, and a deer-in-headlights look on his face.

"Holy shit,"

"Come sit down," I said, patting a spot on the couch next to me.

Slowly, in the weirdest funk I've ever seen him in, Katsuki sat down beside me.

Younger Eijirou was looking between me, the passed out Katsuki, and my Katsuki.

But when my Katsuki locked eyes with Younger Eijirou, they just stared at each other.

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