Your Sweet Smile, My Love

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A/N: Okay, today's prompt is war, but I'm gonna try my best to keep away from any manga spoilers. This however, will not be free from some fucked up shit. Don't like mutilation or removal of limbs. Do not read. Thank you! This is also very short, because I have other stuff I have to get done, and I also didn't have a bunch of inspiration for this one that didn't seem too similar like a oneshot in my main book, since I wrote something a little similar. And with that, we'll begin.

Bakugou's POV


I couldn't see.

Something was over my eyes, and my arms were tied to the wall, so I couldn't move them.

And my Quirk wasn't working.

"Finally, he's awake,"

The cloth was pulled from my eyes and put over my mouth by purple skinned hands.

My husband was chained to the wall in front of me, a girl with messy blonde buns on her head holding a knife to his throat.

"It seems like kidnapping two of the most productive people in this war has brought things to a halt,"


"Chargebolt has been found dead. Good job, Touya,"


"It was my pleasure,"

"Endeavor is also missing. I'm jealous we weren't the ones who found him,"

What war?

Why is Denki dead?!

I tried screaming, but I suddenly couldn't.

It's like I had my tongue removed, even though I could scream before.

Everything felt paralyzed.

"Can I start cutting him up now, Tomura?" the girl asked, twirling another, bigger knife between her fingers.

"Go right ahead," a malicious, masculine voice said from behind me, moving my head to see my husband.

He sent me a sweet smile. He was crying, but smiling.

"I love you," he said before the bigger knife cut into his arm.

The scream he released made my blood run cold.

My sweet Eijirou, was having his arm sawed through by a knife.

It was agonizingly slow, even to me.

I want to close my eyes, scream, vomit, something.

But I couldn't move.

I couldn't fucking move!


The knife audibly began to scratch up against bone, my husband sobbing.


I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried.

"Need something sharper?"

A machete was thrown, and it nailed Eijirou right in the head.

It was silent.

I hated it.

He's not dead.

He's not.

Don't die on me, Ei.


I need you.

I need your laugh.

I need your love.

I need your sweet smile, my love.


"Katsuki! Katsuki!"

I shot up in bed, gripping onto my sweat soaked shirt.

Tears were running down my face faster than Usian Bolt could even dream of running.

"Katsuki, baby,"

I turned to see my husband.

His arms wrapped around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Shh, baby, it's a dream," he whispered. "I'm right here. You're okay, sunshine,"

I threw my arms around Eijirou, my fists balling into his shirt as I sobbed.

"I thought I lost you,"

"I'm right here. I'm not leaving, baby," Eijirou whispered, petting my head. "You wanna talk about it?"

"The damn... fuck, they got you and I... and they..." I could barely get words out around my sobs.

"They cut your limbs off... th-then your head... and they... they began to cut off other parts... and they made me watch... Eiji, I...."

His grip tightened around me.

"I'm okay, Katsuki. I'm right here. No current injuries. I love you,"

"I love you too," I hiccuped.

We sat there, in each other's embrace for a while, just being together.

"We've got a patrol together tomorrow. You wanna sleep, or stay up a little more?"

"Can you hold me?"

"Of course, Katsuki," Eijirou said as we laid us down, me still in his arms.

I felt safe, and warm.

He's like a safety blanket, willing to protect me and keep me warm.

I tapped his shoulder twice, getting two taps back.

I love you.

I love your laugh.

I love your sweet smile, my love.

A/N: Very short, I know. Sometimes, a couple hundred words is enough to get the job done. I warned y'all. This was also a little fucked up, I realize that. I'm pretty sure tomorrow's won't be super fucking stupid like today's. Anyway, I hope you guys have a good day! See you tomorrow! Stay safe and healthy! - Septic / Spark

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