You Can't Eat Raw Meat in Front of the Chief, Dumb Lizard

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A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't get this out yesterday! It was entirely my fault. I was procrastinating, I had no idea what to do with it, and I just couldn't stay focused on it. I will get this out today as well as the other story to attempt to make up for it. Once again, I'm so sorry! This story will be a mix between a fantasy AU and a BOTW AU, so enjoy!

Bakugou's POV

"Eijirou!" I yelled into the cave. "We gotta go somewhere!"


"Another kingdom, you scaly bitch, c'mon,"

The dragon shifter sighed, getting up.

He had been a dragon last night, and seemingly transformed in the middle of the night, so he walked out of the cave groggily.

With nothing covering anything except for scales on his skin.

"CHRIST ALL FUCKING FUCK, COVER UP!" I screamed, covering my eyes.



Kirishima peered down, before yawning and shrugging.

"Hold on,"

"Fuck, you're a mess!"

"You never wear a shirt!"

"Neither do you. Actually, my vest covers more of my torso than your cape," Eijirou yawned. "Actually, wait,"

He walked out of the cave.

"You said we're going to another kingdom, right? So why the hell should I put on clothes if I'm supposed to fly us over there?" he questioned as more and more red scales appeared on him.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. "Let me grab your clothes and put them in my damn satchel,"


"So, just keep going south until we get to the East Gerudo Ruins, you'll be able to see a village. It's also fairly close to Palu Wasteland," I yelled over the wind. "Stop a by the ruins, and then we can head over to the Kara Kara Bazaar, situate ourselves there for the night,"

I got a weird chirp of confirmation from Eijirou, his wings beating faster and harder.

"As long as we get there before sunrise, we'll be okay. We can stop by an inn, get some sleep, buy food there in the morning and continue our trip," I mumbled to myself as we went on.

Stupid fucking princess better not waste my damn time.

We landed in the ruins, and Eijirou immediately began panting when we got there.

"Okay, listen. We're gonna head to the Kara Kara Bazaar, buy some clothing we need to get into the village. And then sleep until morning or noon. We'll decide once we get there,"

"Do I have to wear clothes?"

"At least undergarments," I said, handing him his boxers.

"It's too fucking hot for this," he mumbled, slipping them on.

"Hey, don't complain just yet. Your clothing situation is gonna get a whole lot worse soon," I scoffed.

Now, the problem wasn't finding the Kara Kara Bazaar. It was literally an oasis in the middle of a desert.

The problem was getting there in one piece, when Electric Lizalfos were everywhere, and the blood moon was beginning to rise.

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