Fuck It!

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A/N: Today has some sensitive topics. So, if abusive (physical, mental, sexual and emotional) relationships are a trigger of yours, then please, avoid this oneshot. Your mental health is more important than a oneshot. A side ship is Camie × Bakugou. I have no quarrel with anyone who ships that, nor do I want to offend anyone. Gun and knife usage is also in this. Personally, I love the friendship her and Kacchan have, and don't mind her as a character, but I had no clue who else to use, so I asked one of my broski waffles for help. That's all I've got for now! I love you guys!

Bakugou's POV

I pissed her off again.

And instead of facing, her, I was sick of her shit, hiding in my closet.

"Katsu!~ Come on out!~ I'm sick of your shit!~" she cooed all sweet.

It's fake. Don't listen to her.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I yelled, my body against the door.

"Aw, but babe," she whined. "I've got the cuffs on the bed post, since you're struggling!"

I pulled out my phone, going into my messaging app.

Come over please.

U ok?


"C'mon! It'll make your punishment a lot lighter!"

"WE BROKE UP, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, my voice cracking as the lump in my throat grew.

Go away.


"All will be forgiven, Katsuki! Come out and get undressed! We'll have a date afterward and it'll be done and over with!"

I'm on my way. Seriously, are you okay?



"Why'd you chuck me out like I'm trash?"

She sounded pissed.

"Y'know, for that, you should be dead!"

There was a loud noise and a sharp pain in my hand, causing me to yelp.

A small, freshly bloodied blade sat in the door.

She stuck a knife through the door... she's really gonna kill me this time.

"But, but, but!"

The blade was removed, and there was a crack in the door.

"Then, it hit me! Like a flash! What if your high school went away instead? Your friends, specifically that redhead,"

No. No no no.

Ei, don't.

What?! Why?! Katsuki, what's going on?

My breathing was shaky, my hands almost dropping my phone as I tried to type a response to him.

"That asshole is the key! He's keeping you away from me! He's made you blind, messed up your mind, but I can set you free!"

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