Stupid Quarrel

378 15 4

A/N: Today's prompt was mythology, so this will be based off Greek mythology. Bakugou is the equivalent to Ares, the god of war, while Kirishima is the equivalent to Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmiths. Warning! There are mentions of suicide and self harm (by scratching) in here. Your mental health is more important than a stupid oneshot. Anyway, off we go!

Bakugou's POV

"So," I sighed, appearing at the table. Slamming my palms down, I glared at everyone there. "Why was I fucking called here?"

"Katsuki, sit down, there's a human," Eijirou tugged me down into a chair, pointing to a small green haired boy in a chair.

"So, what do I have to do with this?" I asked. "Am I here to make people fight, because I can't resolve shit. I'm literally the god of war, it ain't the job description,"

"We need everyone here for this decision," Eijirou calmly said, but I could see the fire burning behind his eyes.

Scoffing, I sat down beside Eijirou, as not to get my ass kicked by him.

"So, what's the quarrel?" I yawned, kicking my feet on the table.

"Katsuki-kun," Iida stood up. "Please, refrain placing your boots on the table,"

"I do what I fucking want," I snarled. "Just start talking so we can get this over with,"

"Well, Shouto found this human," Eijirou began. "And kidnapped him to make him his king. But this boy is Ochaco's son. She's left her duties. The world had been plunged into a terrible famine. But Shouto won't give him to Ochaco,"

"Oh, so it's just an obsessive mother who can't control her emotions," I scoffed, pulling a knife from my belt and twirling it between my fingers.

"Her daughter was kidnapped," Tsuyu stated. "I'd be pretty sad if my daughter was kidnapped,"

"I was kidnapped back when I was a fucking human, and no one gave a shit when I was gone, so why should she?" I snarled. "Your kid's gonna die anyway. Hell, they actually might live longer if they live with Shouto,"

"Katsuki--" "Welp, I'm just gonna cause a fight if I stay," I stood up. "Later, losers,"

"Katsuki," Eijirou began as I pulled a drachma out of my pocket.

"What? Not like I'm gonna help," I scoffed, dropping it to the ground and stomping on it.

Before I could hear the idiotic redhead, I was back in my own lair.

"Fucking stupid family shit. Who fucking needs one?" I growled, sitting down.

Family is fucking overrated. They just want you to exist so they can continue the fucking bloodline. Load of shit, if you ask me.

I threw a knife at the door, making the blade stick.

They never cared about me, and it'a not like I need to care about them either. They were garbage to me, and I shouldn't love them.

My fists clenched.

They called me shit. I was just their battering ram. Nothing else. It's not like they wanted me alive.

My jaw tightened and my breaths became shakier.

I know they were happy when I fucking stabbed myself to death. Not like I ever fucking mattered.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" I roared, punching the wall as the pressure that had been building up behind my eyes became too much.

Stop crying.

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