Summer Sunsets

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Kirishima's POV

I love my family.

My moms are fantastic, couldn't ask for better parents.

And as much as I love them, spending time with them is a bit different.

As odd as this is gonna sound, I'm an introvert. An INFP, if we're going by the Meyers Briggs test.

My mom is, I'm pretty sure, an ESTP, or something. All I know is she's some ExTx combo.

I don't know about my dad, but I wouldn't be surprised with whatever he gets.

I'm the only introvert.

So when I'm told that I shouldn't be in bed all day or in my room all day, I admittedly get annoyed.

The house is loud.

Some points in time or seasons much louder than others, but loud either way.

Now, when I was told I was going to go on vacation to a beach in the U.S, I was excited, but anxious.

We were going to a southern part of the country, and that made me nervous, since (and I know it's bad to make assumptions on stereotypes) I've heard they're a little less accepting down there.

So I didn't pack anything remotely related to my sexuality.

Not my bi tie dye, not the small flag I tuck into my hair every now and again when it's up.

Tried to make myself seems as hetero as I could.

But that wasn't the only thing.

I'm super clingy.

Like... it's probably a problem I need to fix because it could totally drive Katsuki away.

But I didn't want to leave Katsuki.

Our dorms are right next to each other, and our houses are only a few streets away from each other.

It was comforting, knowing I could look out my bedroom window and know that a few streets down, he was there.

So going half way across the globe was gonna rip me to fucking shreds.

Did I say anything?

You oughta know the answer to this question at this point.

But, when we were there, I enjoyed myself.

The water wasn't ice cold, but also not burning hot. The waves were awesome too.

The house was even better though.

Multiple decks, including one at the top of the house, resting on the roof.

Now, flashback to... a few months ago?

Katsuki had mentioned how he had pulled an all nighter, watching the sunrise.

He said something about how much he didn't like how they would hype up sunrises and thought sunsets were prettier.

Go to July 4th.

I managed to leave the house, just sitting in the drive way.

Spotify was playing Rex Orange County songs, and I was watching the sunset.

That night wasn't like the sunsets I'd seen in pictures, it was more yellow than all the pinks and reds and oranges that people paint with.

But, it was still gorgeous.

So I texted him that night.

Just watched a sunset for the first time.

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