Pour Some Sugar On Me

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A/N: This'll be short. Currently, I'm editing a thing, and maybe it'll become the cover for this, idk.

So, take this hella short cliché oneshot! Which might be very crack-ish.

Bakugou's POV

"If I find a single fucking extra dent on 'er when it's over, your fucked," I snarled at the asshole who was fixing up my bike.

Got into a crash while doing some racing, and my stupid fucking engine got busted.

"Y-yes, sir," the green haired boy stammered.

"Stupid fucking dumbass," I muttered, cradling my helmet under my arm. "Ruining my bike. Oughta kill the motherfucker,"

Pulling out my phone, I went into my most recent contact and texted them.

Oi, pick me up.

Bakugou? What for? Where are you?

Mechanic. My bike got fucked.

Omw :D

Rolling my eyes at my friend's dumb shenanigans, I tapped my foot.

He better get here quick, or I'm beating him over the head with my helmet.

That made me snicker a little.

I began scrolling through my phone, impatiently drumming my fingers on the side of it.

A sudden deafening roar of an engine was steadily approaching, making me look up.

The red bike I've learned to hate and love pulled up in front of me, the rider being Kirishima.

The dumbass did something that made me want to collapse on the floor.

Pulling off his helmet, his fiery red locks fell onto his shoulders, soft and shining.

As he ran a hand through his hair, he sent me a smirk and a half lidded look.


Doki doki~

And there goes my heart. See ya!


(Hola! Author here! So, lemme just say, that Bakugou's gay eyes saw this scene incorrectly. So, without Bakugou's gay vision, here is what really happened.)

Eijirou's POV

I pulled into the street on my bike, in front of Bakugou.

Who was staring at me like an owl who was just stabbed by his brother.

I removed my helmet, panting like a fucking dog because it's fucking hot in those things.

Then my bitchass hair got tangled as fuck after I pulled it off.

Oh mother of fucks.

Running a finger through my bird's nest of a head of hair, getting stuck on knots as I looked at Bakugou.

Feeling a dumb awkward grin cross my face, I gave him an odd "Hey,"

His face erupted into a bright red before he put his helmet on his head.


A/N: Really short, I know. Sorry! But I just wanted some short crack for y'all, so here!

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